Disappointing sale day

Posted by Meghan in Sale Tales | 2 Comments

I went to some of the worst sales on Saturday. Sometimes the luck just isn’t there. I had taken a friend out for her birthday the night before, so I had a mild hangover, and I had to be home at 10:30 for a new door we are having delivered. I thought I would do a couple of hours and go home. I don’t mind going to sales alone, but I usually end up with less of a plan and I get turned around or end up a sale that I already went to.

I hit a lady’s moving sale at 8:00 am and purchased a few books for a dime. I asked her why she was moving, and she told me she was moving because her mother is dying. Not the best way to start off your morning sales. Then I hit a sale that had some great old bikes and older collectibles, but nothing that I needed. I just picked up some magazines from the free box.

I hit few more duds and then went to one of the worst sales I have ever seen: the Loyal Heights retirement home sale.

Bad retirement home sale

I can only assume that most of the old and/or good stuff they might have owned is long gone. As you can see, they had tons of stuff, but all of it was crappy. I did think the Little Rascal next to a broken dog crate was funny.

Little Rascal and broken dog crate

The prices? $3.00 for paperbacks, if that gives you an idea of what they wanted for their crap.

A few weeks back I went to a sale that these two older ladies had, where they said that they planned on having many more “estate sales” this summer. I explained to them that I hate people that put on yard sales and claim they are estate sales when no one died. I ended up back at their sale anyway and was kicking myself, but I did end up buying a handful old View-Master reels. The best: Fat Albert and Shazam!

I stopped for a sale and when I walked up the steps they had 2 saw horses saying the sale started at 11:00! What is the point of even having it?

Sale starts at 11 AM

I figured I would go back at after the door was delivered. This sale ended up being the topper to a shitty Saturday. At 11:00 they let a huge group of us in – I guess I wasn’t the only person that came back to see what they had. What a bunch of crap! The prices were some of the highest I have ever seen. The clothing had large prices tags saying shit like “$30 – great deal! Was $172 new” or “$20! Over $100 in 2003.” WTF?

Here are my scores for the day – not enough to even bother opening up the trunk for.

Junk In My ... Couch, 7/14/07

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