Special guest star report from Karl

Posted by Jenny in Guest Stars, Sale Tales | 1 Comment

Here’s Karl’s thoughts on our day o’ saling last Saturday!

the time had arrived to be a guest star with the bloodbath girls and this is a treat for sure! i was psyched so when jenny wrote to me “be at meghan’s at 8:30” it all seemed doable. yet after a rendezvous the night before which went sour with a less than liberating friend, i knew i was in for some fun. hitting tons of sales before noon is something i can’t seem to do on my own but in the hands of these pros, i was ready.

double guest star cathy (feeling the night before) (didn’t we all in some way?), meghan, jenny and i set out and as already detailed by meghan, we did ok but i personally observed some interesting things. first, the drive-by…is it worth it? a small debate ensued and both sides were presented but my feeling is that it boils down to intuition for me. i have drove by many a sale just peeking and saying “no way.” instead of thinking i missed out on those pristine blue note records or fill in the blank on what your flavor is – just drive by if you are feeling it. there are more sales to get to which also leads to the quantity issue. the girls and i hit so many sales and i was being pretty focused and that means, go to more and seek out what you are looking for instead of making mercy buys…which is what i did at the end. i had to buy at least one record (as i am a record nerdlinger) so when we stumbled upon a sale with records i was psyched. my psyched feeling was squelched quickly as they were $3.00 per and the lady barely budged after i created a pretty big mercy stack with donovan, steeleye span, you get the picture. then she told me “these are worth a lot of money, i checked online.” talk about harshing my toke…i trimmed my 20 lp stack down to three and that was because i had to buy something, anything. i was desperate and i think it showed. after i purchased my three (incl. the aforementioned donovan lp) the woman having the garage sale killed me by telling me “some guy was here and purchased…well, he took 73 but he is going to do work for me.”

ok, bottom line – i am going to guest star again and i know it will be a great adventure – as this one was too. final take that day: three lp’s, a gNr songbook for appetite, a handful of cd’s, a jewbacca shirt (!!), an everything bagel and a damn good time. thanks ladies!!


Thanks Karl! And thanks, Jewbacca.

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