I had received an email about Fred & Barb’s annual “Green 55” garage sale, with Lizretros and Leslie as participants. After going to a few of their previous sales and always getting something good (or at the very least getting to look over some fun and interesting items) I knew that would be my first stop.
The sale started at 9:00, but Leslie had mentioned that I could pop over before they opened. I was happy for the offer since I secretly wanted to be at the Ballard Eagles Drill Team Rummage sale at 9:00, mostly because the flyer for the sale was so bad/funny and I also really wanted to see if any of them would be in their drill team outfits for the sale.
Fred and Barb’s sale was great (as usual) and I grabbed tons of stuff from Liz’s stash. I have seen her at sales and I can just tell we have a similar style. I got a cute dress that she made that I’m hoping will fit, along with some curtains that she made — I’m never going to make curtains, so this is the next best thing, right?
The photos do not tell the amazingness of the sale — sorry, I was too busy grabbing stuff. I think you can get the basic idea.
At 8:55 I made my way to the Drill Team sale (I drove by another sale on the way that was a bust). I parked across the street and saw two people standing out front — wow, a line? No. It was two people from the drill team, wondering why the door hadn’t been opened. Ehg. What to do? Wait for the door to open or hit some other sales?
After a few minutes, I bailed for some other sales. Here is the thing about this Saturday: I never once looked my sheet that I printed out. I either just drove down a street and spotted a sale, or saw a sign.
I did go back to the drill team sale. It was pretty much a crap-fest and I was sad to see not one girl in a blue and yellow outfit with matching hat!
I had blogged about another sale at the same Eagles Hall in an earlier post. This photo of the table looks just as bad as it did then.
As I was driving away I passed an estate sale that had one of the best rec-room-style basements ever. They had a shuffle board set into 1950’s linoleum!
They also had built in bar that had a sink and a built in 2 burner stove. I have dreams of having a basement like this.
The sad thing about the sale was that you knew she must have had cool old junk that was already picked clean either by relatives or the folks putting on the sale. I bought some kitchen items, but not much more.
I went to about 15 more sales in the next hour.
From this huge mess of clothing I bought a great black crepe ’40s dress, a ’20s dress, and a few other items.
I knocked off at 11:00 and still managed to fill up my truck. Not too shabby for three hours of sales.
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