Aerobics anyone?

Posted by Jenny in Sale Tales, Um ... No Thanks | 7 Comments

It’s been a while since we’ve posted. You know why? Sales around here in February provide almost nothing to write about. Not that we’ve even hit too many. But we did venture out for a quick estate sale run yesterday. We got there two hours after it opened and there was still a line out the door. Two hours! There just isn’t much out there so all the yard sale regulars are at the same sales — we saw quite a few of the usual suspects while we were standing around freezing our butts off.

Finally after about 20 minutes we made it onto the porch, where there were at least a couple of boxes of free stuff to paw through. The most intriguing item was this:

Aerobic Shape-Up II

Yeah. We left it there for some would-be aerobicizer (or aerobics fetishizer) to pick up later.

When we were finally allowed to enter, the sale was okay — lots of stuff, decent prices, but not a lot I was really interested in. We each bought a few things, but nothing even worth detailing. I bought some address labels, if that gives you an idea of the level of excitement we’re talking about.

Thanks for bearing with us through these lean times in yard sale land.

7 Responses to Aerobics anyone?

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