Every pony needs a sun hat

Posted by Meghan in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 9 Comments

This weekend was the 6th Crown Hill Annual Garage Sale Day. This flyer sort of said it all.

The 3 W's of the neighborhood yard sale

Some of this is is in what Jenny and I fondly call “No Sidewalk Land” and we’ve hit it many times before. Sometimes it’s been really good, sometimes just “eh.” This year’s map seemed pretty promising.

My girlfriend Maliboozer Barbie came along as a guest star — she had to go to work at 11:00, but we said we would just drop her off at her car whenever she needed to head to work.

We hit a few sales close by. At the very first one we spotted this classy belt buckle.

Bush Hog

We picked up a snack and then hit what was the most boring sale for Jenny and Boozer, but the most amazing sale for me. I picked up so much great stuff – 2 pairs of Vialis shoes, Acne Jeans, a large Erte vase, a Luella purse, Fiorentini+Baker shoes, tons of dresses from Anthropologie. I spent $65 and was so stoked that I sort of didn’t care if I didn’t buy anything else (or that Jenny announced she was too lazy to get out of the car and help me get all my stuff into the trunk).

Not long after that, we saw this super scary baby with multiple faces.

Two faces of this creepy doll

There was even a third one on the other side. Nightmares!


Later I found this amazing pillow for Jenny that she refused to buy –- I can’t imagine why.

Dylan pillow

At the same sale we saw this.

How To Stay Christian In College

I guess I am not really sure how you stay a Christian in college. Maybe the best way to start would be to not read this.

The Astrology of Sexuality

They also had what might be described as “only in Seattle” — a coffee stand letting you know it’s Starbucks and they also had Chai. Yes, really …

Help yourself!

Last year a woman yelled at me for going a racy 5 miles an hour down her street. This year on the same block I purchased this veneer tiger maple dresser with a side wardrobe for a whopping $35.

Tiger maple dresser

However, I didn’t buy this Lickety Split Ice Cream Maker …

Lickety Split

… or this Space Age Crystal kit.

Space Age Crystal

At the very next sale we saw this.

Pony with a sun hat

Yes, that really is a large pony with a sun visor. Amazing!

All in all I had a great day (even with the one sale where a woman snapped at me that her opened can of Coke wasn’t for sale — um, I wasn’t exactly trying to buy it). Jenny only picked up a couple of things. I think you can see how good my haul was.

Junk In My Trunk 7-28-12

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