The fun and the crusty

Posted by Jenny in Sale Tales | 2 Comments

After the last few weekends being pretty questionable I was tempted to flake on sales, especially with a drizzly forecast. However, someone posted a photo to our Facebook page with details about a fun-sounding moving sale. It started at 7 am, but we are not that hardcore, especially in winter, so we went around 9:00. All of the stuff was set up under a big tent. As expected, the seller was super nice and her items tended toward the wacky.

Still life with monkey in a tux

In addition to clothes and various household items there were also an assortment of “mystery item” grab bags!

Mystery items

The mystery theme extended into other areas, too …

Mystery CD Bundle

Even the free box had its high points.


Meghan and I each bought a few things, and I decided to take a chance on a fifty-cent grab bag. After a quick ATM stop we headed off to the other sale on my radar, not too far away. Outside there were a bunch of tools and building materials stacked up–it looked very “guy.”

Crusty dude estate sale

Not pictured: hundreds of records. We both started looking through then, and one of the guys running the sale came over and changed the sign from 50 cents each to 25 cents. Unfortunately this still wasn’t cheap enough to make me want to bring any of these records into my house. It was all crap you can find at any thrift store, and super crusty. Then I got to a box that seemed like something had spilled on it … I decided maybe it was better to take a look-but-don’t-touch approach to this sale.

Along with the vinyl there were plenty of 8-tracks.

Media center

And then there was this knife carrying case … I suppose there could be a normal reason for owning this, but it seemed a little ominous.

Knife carrying case

A couple of other rooms were also open, but there wasn’t much in them. Maybe that was for the best. I did find this lone figurine, which added to the whole “man cave gone wrong” vibe.

Dirty Old Men Need Love Too

We left without buying a thing. Are you surprised? Then I realized I remembered that the listing I’d read was for a moving sale that had mentioned baby stuff, so I made the brilliant observation that there must be a different sale out there. I found the info and we hit that too, but it was a bust. We were eating breakfast before 10:30 AM.

Oh, and the “mystery item”? I think I got my fifty cents’ worth of entertainment.

Mystery item revealed

Cattastic Cattitude

Posted by Meghan in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 5 Comments

We have mentioned this before, but some days end up having a theme. I have no idea how or why, but in the case of the weekend before last, it happened again. (Oh, yeah. I was unable to get off my lazy butt to blog in the last two weeks… yeah, it says a whole lot about me.) Karl drove all the way across town to hit these three sales with us. Poor guy.

The first sale was in a two-bedroom apartment about five minutes from my house. Jenny mentioned that her ad was full of exclamation points and “LOL”s, which didn’t seem like a good sign. The first thing we see is these leftovers from Halloween outside her front door. We should have listened, but NO …


Really it wasn’t that bad … if I wanted everything to be from the sale area at Ross Dress For Less.

Bony hoodie and other items

I whispered something to Jenny about how all the clothing was in rainbow organization. Classy.

Color coordination

Speaking of classy, how about this poster? Why would you have this in your house?

Justa like Cheekin

In the same room we spotted this pillow. We decided it was time to high-tail it out of there.

Life without cats...

After getting a baked good and working out which of the remaining two sales to hit first (no, really, three sales for the whole day) we settled on this sort of unremarkable estate sale. The house had a sauna, that was sort of cool.

In-home sauna

In the basement we found these two really great paintings of the same woman.

Groovy clock and portrait

Here comes the bride

Overall it was just sort of OK. They did have some cat stuff, as did the first sale–but not until we hit the Cat-Sale-Motherlode did it all sort of click.

Before we could get in, we had to wait for a very long time. We must have been about 40th in line when we arrived.

Waiting to get in

A guy walked out with some tools and Karl said “Hey, look at the hoe” — this is what we do to amuse ourselves.

Finally we got close to the porch. We entertained ourselves by digging through the free pile. It wasn’t good.

The always-questionable "free stuff" pile

We had been waiting for so long that when I saw one of the guys working the sale come out, I just point blank said “Monty, I have been here for a very long time and I need to use the bathroom.” He said there was one downstairs I could use. Karl made some crack about there being a jar in the basement, then Monty chimed in about setting up a video camera. Nice! It turned out to be a perfectly normal bathroom.

When I got back up to the front door he let all of us come in and shop. Please note the really great sign about them “keeping the velvet coat.”

Keeping the long black velvet coat

The house was very nice and there was a spectacular view, but this is when it turned into crazy cat stuff. EVERYWHERE. Everything from tiger-themed door stops (really a cloth-covered brick) …

Tiger door stopper

… to cat jewelry and cat posters and cat mugs, even a couple of boxes of used cat toys.

Cat Toys

There were also a TON of cat books.

Books about cats

If it was about cats … they had it.

Why Cats Paint

My favorite discovery was “The Fur Person” (from 1957) by May Sarton.

The Fur Person

I was so amazed by this book that I felt the need to look her up. I guess people love this writer. Go figure. This is not an invitation to comment about how much you love this book — go get a Good Reads account and post it there. Really…

They did have some non-cat-related items, like these wacky Spider Earrings.

Spider earrings!

Karl and I each purchased a few items here — those and a couple more things from the other estate sale probably aren’t really worth a trunk shot, but we took one anyway.

Junk In My Trunk 1-22-11

Sales we shouldn’t have bothered to go to

Posted by Jenny in Sale Tales | 4 Comments

After a six-week hiatus from sales (and blogging), we ventured out last Saturday–possibly despite our better judgment, but we figured it was time. There wasn’t that much rain, and there were a few sales listed …

Our first stop had been advertised as moving after 50+ years. Sounds pretty good! We walked in through the garage, which was full of things for sale, both new and old. Inside was this workshop area complete with outlined spots for tools and pictures of airplanes.

Tool wall

People were milling around from room to room. Meghan went to investigate some clothes hanging up in one corner. “Those aren’t for sale!” we heard. Okay, fine. We ventured into the next room, sort of confused as to what was in the sale and what wasn’t.

The forbidden room

I poked around a bit then headed back outside to make another look around. I got a kick out of this small selection of ancient grocery items, but didn’t find anything I needed to own.

Groceries of yesteryear

Finally I went back inside and found Meghan handing over some cash to the woman who’d told her to keep out of the clothes. As we left she told me that the entire room was supposed to be off limits, but since that wasn’t even remotely obvious, tons of people had been digging around and buying stuff anyway. Meghan made sure the lady knew what she had and was cool with selling everything. She ended up purchasing an awesome vintage sewing bag and a couple of other small items.

On the way out we saw Jesus.

Jesus and Jesus

We made a coffee stop, then headed to an estate sale which was due to open at ten, still a few minutes away. When we saw the line outside we weren’t sure whether to bother, especially after our last experience waiting in line for a sale. But we parked the car and walked over — nearly getting knocked down on the way by a man running with his small daughter in order to get there ahead of us. “Really?” Meghan asked loudly, but he pretended not to hear her. We couldn’t tell if there were numbers, a sign-up sheet, or just a line. Meghan went up to investigate and came back muttering something about possibly needing to re-evaluate her entire life.

The sellers opened the door (a few minutes late) and miraculously decided to let everyone in, since the house was big enough for the thirty or forty of us to all mill about. The setup was a bit odd: one room would have like ten things in it, then another would have three boxes … for a big house, they really didn’t have very much. I saw the guy who had rushed past us carrying around light bulbs and nothing else, so that tells you something. They did have a very cool, very old wedding dress. I attempted to take a picture of it, then later discovered I had actually taken a five-second video. Of a dress sitting on a hanger. I will spare you from spending five seconds of your life watching that.

We were done after that. It felt like if there was a holiday like Groundhog Day, where some yard sale totem animal — the pack rat? — came out of its hole to see if it was time to start going to sales again … that animal would have crawled back in and gone back to sleep for a few more weeks.

But we are either optimistic, or masochistic, or just plain dumb, because we are heading back out tomorrow!

Crap we didn’t buy

Posted by Jenny in Um ... No Thanks | 13 Comments

We didn’t go to sales last Saturday. It was Thanksgiving weekend, for cryin’ out loud! That’s usually the marker of when we are done with sales for the year. (Although you never know for sure.)

But lack of sales does not mean lack of blog! Now’s our chance to catch up on some of the more random oddball bits of bloggy goodness. Like this brief look at three horrid items seen at recent sales that weren’t worth a post of their own.

First we have … this.

We are the Music Makers

To be fair, it doesn’t say “We are the Painting Makers.”

Next, we have … I’m not sure what. Happy Jesus on a Boat?

Nautical Jesus

Or it could be some dude’s portrait … just some regular old bearded guy in a Biblical-looking white tunic. I didn’t want to ask any questions.

And finally, a cookbook which was named in more innocent times.

The Stuffed Cougar

I think “cougar” has now joined “beaver” as a mascot which once sounded completely normal, but now seems sort of wrong, through no fault of the animal itself.

With crap like this … I really don’t mind taking a break from sales for a while.

Estate sale hell

Posted by Jenny in Sale Tales | 7 Comments

Knowing it was probably against better judgment, we made a plan to go to some sales last Saturday. There were two estate sales fairly close to each other, so we decided to hit those first. One had started on Friday, but I figured that not too many people would be making the Friday run this time of year, right? And Saturday was half-price day, so we figured that could be good. Regardless, we decided to hit the new one first. We drove over and found a line of about 40 people out front — forget that. We backtracked to the sale that had started the day before.

On the way Meghan told me how she had heard that a lot of estate sale companies aren’t listing addresses in their ads, but just directing customers to a nearby intersections where signs are posted — apparently due to a rash of burglaries at houses where sales are about to happen. Some ads are also noting that people are sleeping on the premises for just this reason. Personally, I can’t imagine that robbing estate sale houses would be all that fruitful … I guess a lot of them do have silver and jewelry, but so many of them seem to be filled with nothing but crap!

When we finally got to the house (slightly hampered by my undercaffeinated direction-giving ability) we noticed this unique sign display.

Interesting signage

Can we get a close-up?

Golf ball sale sign

Okay! Someone liked golf. I wondered if that would be the theme of the sale, and while there were a few golfing items it was really all over the map.

Barbie '80s Hell

’80s Barbie coloring book? How about a Fonzie record?

Fonzie Favorites

The Fonz is not actually singing, it’s just a bunch of ’50s songs. And this “impressionist track.”

Aaaaay, Cool, Nerd, Sit On It!

I carried it around for a while to show Meghan. She considered buying it, but ultimately decided that it (like almost everything in the house) was way too musty.

Then we went downstairs to what Meghan deemed the “tools and 8-track section.”

The tools and 8-track section

We laughed at this salted codfish box. Is “CSI: Nova Scotia” next in the series?

CSI: Nova Scotia

Meghan went upstairs and I noticed a sign saying “More Outside.” So I took a look.

"More Outside"


Back upstairs, Meghan was paying for her one item, a $5 leather jacket from the ’50s (or possibly ’40s) that would probably be fine once it aired out. Then she noticed the fireplace with sky-blue painted walls and an astroturf floor.

Astroturf fireplace

The sellers happily let us take a picture and told us that the former occupants used to set up a manger scene in there.

On to the other estate sale. By now it had been open for a half-hour, but there was still a line outside! We figured it couldn’t be too bad at that point, so I hopped out of the car to get in line while Meghan parked down the street. While I was waiting for her, I overheard a guy up ahead saying that he was writing a book about garage sales. “It’s called Killer Sales,” he said. Uh, okay. Then he continued. “Twenty-six reasons to kill someone at a sale.”

It was taking forever for people to trickle out, but everyone seemed to have purchased something. Meghan asked the guys ahead of us how long they’d already been in line and they said a half-hour. Yikes. We tried to look inside to see if it seemed worthy. Meghan asked someone if there was good stuff inside and she said yes, but everything in her box looked crappy. We waited some more, freezing our butts off and making jokes with fellow line-waiters about arm-wrestling them over the good stuff, or how someone coming out with a huge pile of dusty fake roses had already gotten what we wanted.

Finally, they let us in. And after 20-plus minutes of waiting, we were in and out of that place in less than two minutes. Let’s see if you can guess why.

  1. Dead reptile smell
  2. Pee smell
  3. Crazy prices
  4. Crappy stuff
  5. All of the above

Did you guess E? Correct! I’m even going to go out on a limb and say this was the stinkiest sale I have ever been to. And you know we have been to some stinky sales.

On the way out we commiserated with another sale-goer who was so annoyed by the sale that she said she wished she could leave it a bad rating somewhere. And then we decided to give up and get breakfast, which is probably the smartest thing we did all day.

Dude, where’s my canoe?

Posted by Meghan in Sale Tales | 7 Comments

On Friday I planned to work super early, so I could first hit what was listed as a packed Estate Sale, but turned out to be a massive hoarder sale.

Sometime you can piece together what happened in a house by what they owned or maybe someone will have some idea about the family. Like at some point in the 40s and 50s they owned a funeral home back East.

At this house they didn’t toss out much in the last 40 years. In fact I found boxes of kids clothing from 1976 — cords and striped shirts galore.

The basement was boxes of stuff and tools.

Boxes of a hoarder

Loads of clothing from the last 40 years.

Clothes piles

Saucers and plates piled all over the kitchen.

Plates of a hoarder

A bin of keys? How and why would you have like 60 sets of keys?

Keys of a hoarder

Or these boxed dress shirts?

Your Personal Dress Shirt

Sadly, there was so much stuff that much of it had to be pulled outside.

Backyard junk

Bags n' crap

The biggest bummer was that the man had been living in the kitchen and dining room, because there was so much stuff.

I did pick up a few items that could be tossed into a washing machine. But sales like this make me feel like I need to rid myself of everything I own.

Tale of a moving sale, in two pictures

Posted by Jenny in Sale Tales | 6 Comments


Moving sale sign: Before


Moving sale sign: After

And that’s really all you need to know …

Teeth in the basement

Posted by Jenny in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 11 Comments

We went out the weekend before last, but it was so grim it wasn’t even worth blogging about. It was cold and rainy and the few sales we did hit were just bad. By 9:45 we were pretty much ready to get breakfast and call it a day.

So I wasn’t sure what to expect last weekend. Would it be any better? There did seem to be more sales listed, so I put together a short list and met up with Meghan and Karl shortly before 9AM. At least the weather was clear and dry this time around, and it was sure to be entertaining if nothing else — five minutes after getting into the car we were already cracking up over some dumb thing or another. The hilarity continued throughout the day as we talked smack and made jokes about everything from ex-friends with bad hair, to unfortunate sexting incidents, to the number of record nerds it takes to screw in a lightbulb. (It’s a really obscure number, you’ve probably never heard of it.)

The first sale I wanted to hit had mentioned lots of vintage stuff. They were still setting up when we arrived. It seemed promising until I saw a plate marked at $10 … some doll for $28 … then Meghan asked about a vintage vanity set with hairbrush, mirror, etc. and it was $125. Seriously?

Not a great start, but after that it seemed like we managed to find stuff at just about every sale. I don’t know what was in the air, but it seemed like even the sales that sounded terrible ended up having something. At one of them I scored a handful of cool books and a gorgeous ’40s dress priced at $3 — the other seller there looked pained when she found out that was all its former owner had charged me. They also had these bags of pins, in case you and about twenty-five of your closest friends needed to feel loved.

I Am Loved

Even the sales where we found nothing were at least entertaining. At one of them we spotted these two books, with spectacularly goofy cover art.

Women of Wonder

At another Meghan unearthed this pair of “Zena Antique Denim” jeans. Someone really thought this was a good label?

Zena Antique Denim

We decided to cross town to hit an estate sale that had advertised “69 years of accumulation.” Right when we walked in one of the guys working the sale said “Hey — aren’t you those Estate Sale Bloodbath girls?” I guess we’re a little more recognizable after making that video.

I looked around the main floor, then went down to the basement, where I was greeted by this whacked-out black velvet Snoopy.

Black Velvet Snoopy

There was also an amazing built-in bar. Some guy was standing behind it looking at stuff. I asked him for a whiskey sour, but all the bottles were empty.

Basement bar

A pal of ours turned out to be working at the sale. He made sure we saw the scary box of dentistry supplies!

Big box of teeth

All kinds of weird molding supplies and mouthpieces, bottles of weirdly thick pink fluids … and a little grey box with a mailing label and the word “TEETH” scrawled on it. We opened it up, with more than a little trepidation. This is what we found.

Little box of teeth

At this point all the other shoppers were gathered around to see what we were screaming about. Some of them even whipped out their cameras to get a shot for themselves.

I went back upstairs to make another pass through the stuff on display, like this fab hairdryer.

Handy Hannah

Meanwhile, Meghan kept trying to get a price on some vintage Yves St. Laurent fur. The sellers kept asking her to make an offer, and she kept telling them to figure out what they wanted. I guess it had originally been purchased for something like $10,000 — they knew it wasn’t going to be sold for anything near that, but the family was having a hard time coming to terms with the reality of vintage fur prices. She ended up just leaving them her number in case it was left over and they wanted to get real.

We got in line to check out, and opened up two little square boxes while we waited. Yikes, more teeth!

Teeth wheels

I don’t know what the deal is with that mangled looking piece, but those half-circle things are shade guides, for matching a replacement tooth to the color of the person’s remaining teeth. I thought the wheel-like design was so crazy, like half a tiny demented starburst clock. Meghan ended up buying the two boxed ones.

By this time the trunk was already packed, and we were all amazed at what a good day it had turned out to be. We decided to hit just a few more sales in the area before heading back. At one, we were excited to find this.

Cool car ... crappy sale

Seems like it would be good, right? But it was all baby stuff.

Next we hit this moving sale. 55 years!

It's Time To Moving Sale

There were a few boxes and things in the driveway, but not all that much, so we headed into the house. Nothing was priced, and there weren’t any boxes … all of a sudden we all figured out that inside probably wasn’t part of the sale! We hurried out quickly, kind of stunned that we just accidentally walked into someone’s home. Meanwhile, Karl was dying because he’d seen one of his holy grails inside, some kind of high-end speakers that make music nerds swoon. He desperately wanted them, but he didn’t want to say “Uh, I was just in your house. Wanna sell your speakers?” Instead, he asked them about music stuff in general, but sadly they said they weren’t selling anything like that.

We saw signs for one more sale that hadn’t been listed. It was in a beautiful neighborhood with a lovely view. Sadly, it was almost all kid stuff. And I spotted one of my least favorite items to see at a sale: the used breast pump. I know they are expensive, but … ew. Later we joked that next time we see one, Karl should walk up and act creepily interested in buying it, just to freak the sellers out.

We probably should have just quit after the teeth sale … but really, who’s complaining? It was a gorgeous day and we all came home with good scores.

Junk In My Trunk 10-16-10