Friday grumbling

Posted by Meghan in Grab Bag | 7 Comments

Every week I have been getting excited to hit Friday sales, but then it always seems to start raining. It’s not good when you might have a better time sitting at home doing nothing, right? It’s almost July and we are having the coldest spring/summer on record.

But last Friday there was an estate sale run by Flotsam & Jetsam that looked like it could be cool. Even if I didn’t buy anything, at least the house might be interesting.

I only planned on hitting this one sale. The house was a big rambler near the water and there were about 12 people in line when I arrived. Then a woman comes up behind me and starts complaining. “I am cold. Maybe they will let us in early. It’s raining” — SHE HAS NO COAT ON.

She keeps mumbling and I am trying to not pay her much attention, since it’s going to make the next 10 minutes that I am in line seem even longer. Since I haven’t been giving her any attention, she is now talking to the woman behind her in line. And the line is getting longer, I look back and there are 40+ people waiting to get into the sale.

Then the owner of Flotsam comes outside, takes down her signage, and goes back into the house. And the same woman starts talking …

LADY: “If she comes out here one more time and doesn’t let us in, I am going to slap her.”
ME: “Um, I know her and she is very nice. Saying you are going to slap her isn’t cool.”
LADY: “Well, I am cold and it’s almost 10:00. And her sales are always priced so high.”
ME: “No one made you come here. You don’t have to come to her sales if you think she has items priced too high. That isn’t really a reason to talk about slapping someone.”
LADY: “Well, I was just joking. And you are weird.”
ME: “I would rather have someone think I’m weird, than threaten to slap someone because you can’t get into a sale two minutes early.”

As if calling me weird could be considered an insult.

The house was wonderful, but the sale didn’t have a ton of stuff. People swarmed the books. They did have nine pairs of Frye boots, sadly all were two sizes too big for me. There was great kitchen stuff and I picked up a really cool french bowl and a Descoware Frying pan.

When I went to do one last pass before getting rung up, I spotted this guy that comes off as some pro book seller, crouched on the floor with his scanner. Ehg. Get me out of here!

Then as I was driving home, I pulled onto my street and saw a sign for an estate sale. Why wasn’t this listed on Craig’s? So, I doubled back and hit this sale that had the feel of a perma-sale, but also seemed like an estate sale full of stuff that should just be sent to the Goodwill. I went into a small room off the garage filled with sheets, shoes, toys and stuffed animals. Then I spotted a Captain and Tennille poster on one wall for $4. Did you love the song “Love Will Keep Us Together” so much that you kept this horrible poster?

The Captain and Tennille

As I started to take a photo of it, I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye — definitely not something you want to have happen at a sale. I turned to see if it was a rat, then saw a kitty getting comfortable on a stack of old blankets. Why would you have an estate sale and keep the animals in the house with you?

An unusual estate sale item

OMG. Why did I even leave the house?!?!

Hot tip

Posted by Jenny in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 9 Comments

We were thrilled this week to get a hot tip about a juicy-sounding sale in our neighborhood! We got an email from a woman we know (who runs estate sales in town) tipping us off to a sale being run by two packrat guys who had moved in together and needed to pare down. It started at 10:00 and sounded great — phrases like “weird collectibles” were used — so we decided to try to get there right when it opened (or maybe a little earlier if it seemed cool). That left us an hour-plus to hit a few other sales on Saturday morning.

I’d seen a listing for an estate sale which sounded promising, so we headed there first. They were still getting set up and I wondered if I’d misread the ad and it hadn’t actually opened yet. Meghan asked, “When are you starting the sale?” The seller said, “The moment you guys got here, it started.”

Outdoor estate sale

It’s always exciting to be the first shoppers at a sale. There were some cute and cheap dishes outside and it kept feeling like it really had the potential to be great … but never quite got there. The sale continued inside the house and we took note of this sign by the sink.

Sink instructions

By the time we left, more people were starting to show up and scour through the goods.

The people appear

We made a snack stop and hit a few more unremarkable sales. Then it was getting close enough to 10:00 to head to the main event! The vast array of strange junk spread out on the lawn definitely piqued our interest.


Good god, there was a lot of stuff. Mostly small stuff, though they did have this lovely table and chairs.

Table and chairs

Oh, that picture? It was priced at “$10,000 O.B.O.”

$10,000 O.B.O.

Thankfully, most of the stuff was cheap — it looked like they were using what we like to call “make it go away” prices. And some of that stuff … you could tell they really wanted it to go away.

Odd pottery

Meghan recognized one of the guys and we introduced ourselves. It turned out they’re fans of the blog. They jokingly worried that we might talk smack about their sale. No way! Their stuff was so much fun to dig through. You truly never knew what you were going to find next.

Odd combo

There was really a little bit of everything. It reminded me of the kind of stuff we usually have at our sale … stuff that is wacky and entertaining, but do you really need to own it forever?

Key chains

Though I’m not saying we’ve ever had items like these in one of our sales … then again, I can’t promise we haven’t. (To be honest, I can’t even remember all the oddball stuff that we have put through the yard sale catch and release program.)

Penis items

But I can assure you that neither of us have ever owned a caged fake crow.

Fake crow

The sale went on and on, stretching all the way down the driveway.

Driveway full of goods

In the back we found this sort of “office supply section” ….

Office supplies

… as well as a small rack of Hawaiian shirts and other clothing.

Clothes rack

Meghan bought a few shirts and an old FFA jacket, and Karl picked up a box of old buttons (the pin kind, not the sewing kind) and some other odds and ends. I bought a vintage Seattle-themed pencil case and an old deck of playing cards put out by The Stranger (that will in fact probably end up in my next sale). None of bought a ton of stuff … but that sale got a solid thumbs up!

After we finished up there, we backtracked to a few other sales nearby. At one, all of their stuff was bad, but at least some was interesting-bad. (But definitely not worth-ten-dollars-bad).

Fish and turtle, $10 each

Along these lines (i.e., “good luck getting someone to buy that”) we soon encountered this extremely large and trippy hand-painted clock.

Extremely large and trippy clock

Then we went to a sale where the seller was wearing a Duran Duran shirt (that she’d presumably owned since the ’80s). Meghan asked if she wanted to sell it, sort of on a whim (to see if she could actually purchase the shirt off someone’s back). The woman said “Sure, for twenty bucks.” Yeah, not gonna happen. Karl and I did each buy a few records here. (No, not Duran Duran records.)

We decided to head to a new area. There was a sale that sounded good and ended up taking way too long to get to, between a couple of street closures and us getting decoyed by signs for non-existent sales.

It's here

It turned out to be a small estate sale … with big prices.

Peeking in

Next was a fundraiser sidewalk sale in a spot where we remembered going to to a sale maybe six or seven years ago (before this blog was even a glimmer in our eye).

Patio sale

Karl bought some CDs — while we were looking at them some woman sort of muscled her way in and started digging in the box right in front of us. Super obnoxious, especially when it wasn’t even anything that great.

Then we hit an estate sale, where our minds boggled at all the taped-off kitchen drawers.

Taped-off cabinets

They didn’t have a lot of stuff, but some of what they had was just plain odd. What in the world is up with this mug?

If you love me

Outside on the porch we noticed this sign. Judging from the few random items there, I don’t think they really had to worry …

Nothing on the porch is for sale

It was getting to be time to quit, so we decided to make our last stop on a block with ads for two separate sales. When we turned onto the street Meghan said, “This better not be that antique lady” — sure enough, one of them was this house where they have sales all the time and everything is priced like you’re at an antique mall. We drove past that one and went to the yard sale up the street. They were friendly, but had nothing we wanted to buy, or even take out of their free box.


And that was it for the day! I think I spent less than two dollars, but Meghan and Karl did their part to bring you yet another bountiful trunk shot …

Junk In My Trunk 6-26-10

Whole lot of “no”

Posted by Jenny in Junk In My Trunk, Um ... No Thanks | 7 Comments

That’s pretty much what we found out there last Saturday.

Welcome to my yard sale

Soup on tarp

The Baby Boomer Retirement Game

Old Mac

Unwanted band photos

It would be groovy

Holy water, blessed dirt


Not pictured: tons of books left sitting out uncovered while it rained (sad!), and a pair of boots Meghan picked up — when the seller proclaimed “Those have been worn at Burning Man!” she dropped ’em like two hot potatoes.

We did find some good stuff here and there … or should I say, Meghan and Karl did. As for me, let me quote the recently closed-for-business Yard Sale Addict and say: “I bought nothing.”

Junk In My Trunk 7-19-10

Tune in next week, when we’ll hope to have a better report!

Fishy, funky, and “fun”

Posted by Meghan in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 2 Comments

Last night I discovered that I had left my debit card at the Title Nine warehouse sale — ehg. Now I’d have to drive over first thing in the morning hoping they have my card, vs. going to Friday yard sales … Lame!

So, this morning I hatched a plan — find sales on a direct route to the warehouse (on the other side of town). Then I noticed there was a sale on the grounds of Northwest Hospital. We’ve been to tons of sales in all kinds of strange places, but at a hospital? That never happens.

Could be a massive bust, right? They had great signs and free parking, and the sale spread over the parking lot.

Parking lot rummage sale

It was pretty big, but that doesn’t necessarily mean much in the overall scheme of things.

Scenes from a parking lot

I started to dig around and found a huge amount of purses. I ended up grabbing three — one is a super high end purple suede Moschino (that is not my style at all, but I secretly like it), plus a crazy brown roller bag that says “My kind of town. Seattle” from the late ’70s or early ’80s.

I snapped up a nice ’70s motorcycle jacket with no price. I passed on the Jesus and unicorn prints.

Jesus, unicorn, and rose

When I went to look for someone to help me with prices, I discovered that the workers were dressed in snappy green t-shirts with yard sale sayings.

Yard Sale Fairy

They were happy to let me snap photos of them. It was kooky enough that I’m surprised Jenny and I have never done anything like that. Maybe we are lazy.

Yard Sale Mermaid

All told I spent a whopping $10.

After getting my debit card back, I hit a few more sales. One said it was an “everything goes” sale, but it was mostly a ton of fishing stuff from some old fisherman.

Box o' buoys

As a side note: we have talked a ton about Ballard (our regular stomping grounds), but haven’t mentioned that this is the area where many of the guys from the show Deadliest Catch live, along with many, many other fishermen … so this isn’t all that strange.

Next I hit one of the more depressing estate sales ever, about 15 blocks from my house. They had a huge box of like fifteen pairs of shoes for free, but you had to take all of them. Almost everything was free, but in such large amounts that you wouldn’t want it.

I went into one of the bedrooms and all of the clothing was free, but the smell was enough to deter me. Then I went into an empty room, with what looked like old dusty mold on the wall, from where they had taken some photos down. After that I just got the hell out of there.

Scary wall markings

My last sale of the day was listed as “the fun sale.” It wasn’t all that fun, but I did end up buying three teen magazines from the early 90’s for a buck and found this ad for a fake cell phone/AM-FM radio. Look — it’s “Cellu-RAD!”


For a Friday, I ended up making a pretty decent haul.

Junk In My Trunk 6-18-10

Cat surgery for beginners

Posted by Jenny in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 14 Comments

While putting together a list for last Saturday I saw that it was the Madrona neighborhood sale day. But due to my growing feeling that annual neighborhood sales tend to start sucking after a while, combined with a pretty lackluster report from last year, I decided we might as well just stick to our neck of the woods. There was that one sale which boasted of having a Kenny Rogers black velvet painting … tempting, but maybe not worth crossing town for when there are plenty of sales closer to home.

We weren’t sure if Karl was going to make it or not, but when I showed up at Meghan’s house at 8:15 he was already there — possibly a first! Our first stop was a sale that had started at 8:00, right around the corner. It was a bust, but the next block down was having a block sale starting at 9:00. We made a quick drive by since we were right there. Only two sales were getting set up and neither of them seemed like they would be worth coming back to.

We headed to another early-starting sale. They wanted $30 for this space painting.

Outer space painting

We left without purchasing anything, then noticed their sign. What were they starting to write – “HUGH” sale?

HUGH - I mean, HUGE yard sale

We hit a few more duds, made a coffee stop, and then it was just about 9:00. There was a sale which had mentioned vintage items and sounded fun, so we decided to pass over some closer, iffier sales and head straight there.

Sidewalk sale scene

It turned out there were three sales all at the same corner. At one of them we spotted a cute little brindle-y dog wearing a tiny pack. Somehow, this led to me singing “Brindle in a Backpack” to the tune of the Smiths’ “Girlfriend in a Coma.” (“I know, I know, he’s really cute!” — uh, don’t ask.)

We were amazed and a little freaked out by the moving, singing Caddyshack gopher.

Mechanical gopher

One of the sales did have plenty of vintage clothing – but all ’80s. It looked like someone had raided Alexis Carrington’s closet.

Rack full of '80s

Karl and Meghan each made some scores here, but I don’t think I bought anything — if I did, I’ve already forgotten.

There was another sale nearby and when we pulled up, Meghan said “Oh, here’s my sale again!” She started chatting with the seller, and Karl mentioned having looked at the records. I was really confused trying to think why I had no memory of being there before and finally Meghan mentioned they’d hit it when I was out of town. As we drove away, we spotted their signs. I would’ve asked the seller if she was from Northern California (homeland to people who say “hella”) if I’d seen them earlier.

Hella yard sale

Next we hit this big corner sale.

Big corner sale

It was mostly kid stuff, but Karl pulled out a few records. When we got to the car he pointed out that one of them had his own price tag, from when he sold it at a record swap for $10. He had just repurchased it for a buck.

At another sale I was looking through the books and found one called “Cat Repair Manual” — my mind kept trying wanting to make it say CAR, but it was CAT. The seller said, “Yeah, nothing in that book is stuff you really want to do at home. I take my cat to the vet.” Which seems like a good call to me. Later I was telling Meghan about this, since she’d missed it, and Karl said “Oh, you mean Cat Surgery for Beginners?” The confused and horrified look on her face was kind of amazing.

Next on the list was an address on Aurora Avenue. This seemed a little suspicious, since it’s a busy highway known primarily for its sketchy motels and late-night activity.

Sale on Aurora

The sale was in a regular old house — we thought it was funny to see the second “redo” sign of the day. It’s like the surprise sunshine was messing with everyone’s writing skills.

Sale inside

There wasn’t a ton of stuff inside, but there was a ton of ancient makeup!

20-something-year-old cosmetics

Meghan picked up a bottle of foundation which had completely separated into clear liquid and tan cakelike gunk. The sellers said that some relative had lived there and she used to be in the cosmetics business, but now she was getting out and moving away. Now she was getting out? Judging from those products she got out about twenty-five years ago.

We got back into the car, drove off and … where’s the list? It was gone! I’d left it on the dashboard and to my great dismay, it seemed to have blown out the window. “Okay, now we’re FREESTYLING!” Meghan joked, poking a bit of fun at American Pickers. I did remember a listing at one address, then we saw signs for another. Somehow the two locations sort of merged in Meghan’s mind, and she drove to a spot right in between the two of them. When she realized she had to choose which way to go, she turned and drove around a roundabout …. then proceeded to drive around it three or four times, just for the fuck of it. I’m still laughing just thinking about it. We decided that going around in circles worked just as well as a unicorn chaser to clear out any leftover bad sale vibes.

We eventually got to the intersection where the signs had pointed us. No sale! We couldn’t figure it out — there had been signs everywhere, up until the actual intersection, which had nothing. We were sure it had to be there somewhere, and backtracked until we saw … this?

Is this really the sale?

Thankfully, the real sale was across the street. It was big, and looked full of crusty treasures.

Sale - Time Out

It was a pretty odd mix. It seemed like it had been pulled out of a garage or basement where it had all been sitting for god knows how long.

Odd doll, odd stuff

At one point Meghan dug through a box of clothes and something reeked so bad of mothballs that I could smell it from thirty feet away — and this was outside! There was also a large, strange selection of books, but they were all on the musty side.

Trio of books

To save Colleen the trouble of asking, let me go ahead and say that I didn’t buy the sex manual. Or anything. But Meghan and Karl each picked up a bunch of stuff. Meghan’s total for everything was $2.10 and the lady refused to take her dime. Karl racked up a bigger total, I think something like five whole dollars.

Next was a sale that seemed okay, until I heard Karl ask how much something was and the seller said “It’s $30. Because I could get that much if I sold it on eBay …” Karl calmly replied, “Then I think you should do that,” and walked away. I found a pair of cute kids’ boots, and asked how much. “$10,” the seller said. Not completely unreasonable, since they were in decent shape, but between her previous eBay comment and the tweaked-out look in her eyes I decided to just walk away. As we left Karl pointed out that she had been eating ice cream out of a pint container. Keep in mind, it’s like 10 a.m.

Meghan suggested that since we no longer had a list, we should head off to Madrona, where we knew there would be a bunch of sales. Despite my misgivings, I couldn’t really argue with her logic. On the way there we saw a bunch of well-placed, clearly-marked signs. Great arrows and directions — everything you could want in a sign. We found the place easily … and were greeted with this.

Book spread

Grim, right? The sale continued inside, but it was all boring and overpriced. When we went into the kitchen, Meghan looked around. “I kind of want to wash my hands,” she whispered, still feeling the ick from the funky crusty sale. “Do it!” I said. After a moment of hesitation, she tiptoed over to the sink and did the speediest hand wash ever. The seller came into the room right when she had finished, obviously having heard the sink come on and wondering what was up. She saw Meghan drying her hands with a paper towel, but didn’t say anything.

On to Madrona, and look who we found: Kenny!

Black velvet Kenny

He was $100. I don’t think they really wanted to let him go.

The sellers had a ton of great vintage stuff, most of it priced much more reasonably – not dirt cheap, but fair. At one point Karl randomly told the woman about seeing a book called “Cat Surgery for Beginners,” then started up some pointless banter about her prices. After a while, she sidled up to Meghan and asked, “What is wrong with him?” Meghan explained that he was just trying to be difficult. The seller made a comment about how he must be hard to be married to, and Meghan quickly assured her that neither of us were married to him. He did end up purchasing an awesome tiger rug from her for $5, so I think it all worked out.

All in all, the neighborhood sales were actually decent. They didn’t seem as super-baby as I’d expected, based on Meghan’s recap from last time. Like this sale had a bunch of music t-shirts … with bands you don’t see too often at yard sales, like 45 Grave and the Dead Boys.

T-shirts for sale

They also had a goth section. (And it was all sitting out in the sun! Oh, the irony.)

The goth table

We hit a little rummage sale with these wacky paintings.

Large illustrations

And then we meandered on through the neighborhood, eventually getting into a ritzier area. We spotted signs for two sales at the end of this street.

Signs down yonder

After driving along some winding streets for a few minutes, we found it.

Sale Here

We climbed up all those stairs and found a few things set out on the deck

Estate sale deck

But there was more inside … and more stairs. When we made it up to the main living room we saw people just kicking back on the couches, taking a rest! There were yet more stairs leading up to a bedroom and bathroom upstairs. But there wasn’t much there. I got the feeling that most of their really good stuff hadn’t made it into the sale.

We were astonished to find this sign up in the bathroom — something you really don’t usually see. How civilized!

Can use restroom

And we were even more amazed by this needlepoint sign we spotted on the way out.

Backdoor friends

We decided that was a fine sale to end the day on. Here’s the trunk shot — we wanted to show you the tiger rug, but ended up covering up a lot of the other stuff in the process. Dang!

Junk in My Trunk 6-12-10

I know this is your house, but you need to go home

Posted by Meghan in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 17 Comments

Sawboard sign

Friday Karl and I spoke about trying to hit some early morning sales, but since it was raining we both flaked, making a plan to just do our regular Saturday morning thing instead.

Both Jenny and I have been trying to stay excited about sales, but going out in the rain each week is starting to be a massive drag. But this Saturday was perfect weather and we had not one, but two annual sales to hit: first the Whittier Heights sale, and then a huge multi-block sale on Queen Anne.

We hit about ten of the Whittier Heights sales right off the bat, the highlight being a friend of a friend’s sale — she had been a buyer for Anthropologie for years and is now a personal shopper. We all purchased stuff from her sale. I was happy to pick up a couple of framed prints, books, and some knick-knacks.

We hit a couple more sales nearby, then pulled up at a sale that had a huge abacus leaning up against a table.

Giant abacus

The sale itself was just eh, but then I saw this sign for Sourdough Starter. Odd, right?

Sourdough starter

We started driving towards Queen Anne, but after about a mile my boyfriend called saying that he was locked out of the house and could I drive home to let him in.
This led to a conversation about everything happening for a reason and how maybe it was meant to be. So, after letting my guy into the house and doing a drop-off we hit a few sales thinking that we might magically hit the jackpot, since we hadn’t even expected to be back in the area.

This turned out to not be the case. We hit a large sale that looked like it could be good, but was crappy …

Large sidewalk sale

… a sale where the most interesting item was her vacuum sign …

Vacuum balloon sign

And a sale that almost defied all logic. Right off the bat we see this insane pattern.

Kwik Sew gym wear

And then some men’s thongs!

5 thongs

Karl picked up a pair of early ’80s Frye boots, but when he went to pay for them she started talking about how they would be $300 if they were in better condition and I just started to tune the whole thing out. Really, if you are that nuts I am not going to give you any attention. Jenny and I went to sit in the car waiting for this conversation to end. Then I heard Karl tell her that he needed to go, since we were on our way to an AA meeting. Karl got into the car and proceeded to rant to us about how insane the entire boot conversation really was, finally cracking us up when he said, “Lady — I know this is your house, but you need to go home.”

We took this as our cue to head over to Queen Anne. I like this sale, but it seems like a lot of people are just bringing out the same stuff year after year. What is the point? When I have a sale it’s to get rid of stuff, not re-pack everything and bring it out next year.

Street of sales

There are always new sales, but right off the bat I saw items that I had looked at a year ago. Maybe after a while you learn which sales to avoid.

The walk was so nice, it really started to feel like a nice summer day.

The view from a sale

Karl started to rush off two and three sales ahead of us. This is a pet-peeve of mine. Aren’t we doing sales together? I yelled at him saying as much and he started waiting for us.

We hit one sale filled with clothing. I have never seen this much clothing from the same person at a sale. When I asked about how she had this much, she just said “she liked to shop” — well, yes. That was obvious.

Later, I saw this huge perfume bottle on a table — I asked the woman if I could take a photo and she said sure. Then when I got my camera out, she said “OH, YOU ARE TAKING A PHOTO???” Well, yes … you just said I could. She started to ramble something about how it was fine, but she just seemed to think it was really strange.

Giant perfume bottles

At one of the sales I picked up this bottle that looked empty, but then the outside had some foul smelling men’s cologne that made my hand reek. I stumbled around two sales just freaking about it. One guy at a sale heard me complaining and gave me a Clorox wipe. That made it a little better. Then I ran water over it a few times. In the end I had to wash my hand six times to get rid of the smell.

We honestly didn’t buy much at these sales, but we purchased delicious home-made cookies and wandered around taking pictures of some of the odder items …

Odd pottery fish

Two books


Strange doll situation

Hot and Spicy Cooking

First three free

Freaky bread poem

Flaring Netted Panty

Here’s the trunk shot from our earlier drop-off — nothing much to show you after that.

Junk In My Trunk 6-5-10

We got ya sale right here …

Posted by Jenny in Grab Bag | 1 Comment

In the fine tradition of Yard Sard and “Garage” “Sale”, here’s another sale sign with some wonderfully mangled text.

Ya Sale! From

Originally posted at Engrish Funny. (Thanks to reader Clay Blackburn for bringing this gem to our attention!)

Field Trip to Point Richmond

Posted by Jenny in Field Trip, Sale Tales | 4 Comments

I spent last weekend in Northern California visiting my family — great timing, since the town of Point Richmond has their annual garage sale day on Memorial Day.

Point Richmond Garage Sales flyer

I’m not sure how long they have been doing this, but the first time I went was in 1993 or 1994, so it’s been a while. My parents and sisters try to go every year and usually find good stuff, so I was pretty happy to get to go for the first time in ages! We agreed to meet up at 9:00 near the “main event” out in front of the Masquers Playhouse.

Approaching the main event

Approaching from down the street you could see there was tons of stuff. It was only when I got a little closer that I could really witness the chaos of people digging into unopened boxes — putting the “rummage” into “rummage sale”!


Yes, it can be a thrill when you know you’re gonna be the first person to look at stuff, but it didn’t seem like anything was that great … so we avoided jumping wildly into the fray.


Instead, after a quick look around the perimeter (and a nice fresh donut) we meandered on to check out the other tables set up nearby. Maps were being sold for a quarter, which might explain why this one was being guarded.

Guardian of the maps

The stuff ranged from antique-y and fancy …

Fancy goods

… to random and odd.


None of us found much of anything, so we walked up a hill into the residential area. Lots of sales were happening and I remembered some spots where I’d scored in previous years, but we were striking out all over. Between this and Meghan’s Phinney experience last week, I was starting to wonder: after a place does community-wide sales for years and years, do they eventually just run out of good stuff?

After a quick “tea and pee” stop, we split up – some called it a day and went home while the rest of us forged boldly ahead. I drove up to a church sale and dropped everyone off while I looked for parking. It was a traffic jam from hell as people tried to worm their way through streets barely wide enough for one car. I finally parked two blocks away and passed this box on the way back to the sale. Whatever had been free was already long gone.

Free box of nothing

We consulted the map and headed further uphill, away from the center of town. Most of the stuff was just typical boring household items and baby clothes. I laughed at this pairing of board games. Welcome to California!

Board games of California

And we all marveled at the oodles of ceramic poodles.

Oodles of poodles

My mom had mentioned that there was a “new condo area” which had a parking lot full of tables last year and seemed to have fewer people hitting it, so we decided to check that out. The short drive over had gorgeous views of the bay, and sadly that was the best thing about our little excursion. This year it was three tables filled with a whole lot of nothing.

Condo parking lot sale

We backtracked through town and hit some sales we’d missed, then felt like maybe our day was done. But wait! Driving back through we spotted this display on a hillside.

Junk with two mannequins

You may have noticed that I can’t resist taking pictures of mannequins at sales, so that was enough to make me pull over. There was a lot of stuff, tending toward the junky and bizarre — promising! Plus, there were even more disheveled mannequins lounging around on a tabletop.

Three bald ladies

It was here I made my one purchase of the day: a Sirius satellite radio portable receiver that looked new and intact, priced at $25. The guy said it had belonged to a friend who had decided to move out of the country, and said it worked fine. I have sort of been wanting to do the Sirius thing, but wasn’t sure if there were going to be any hiccups getting a used one activated. When he said he’d take $20, I went for it. I haven’t determined whether this will turn out to be a total waste of money or an amazing score, but I figured I’d take a chance … especially since I hadn’t found anything else and was itching to buy something.

Other family members made a few purchases throughout the day — a Bodum teapot, a turntable, some outdoor seat cushions, and some plastic jewelry display hands — but it wasn’t exactly worth a trunk shot.

Next week, back to Seattle sales … are we due for some magic yet? Fingers crossed for some good scores heading our way!