West Seattle tidbits

Posted by Meghan in Sale Tales, Um ... No Thanks | 5 Comments

I feel like Jenny covered most of what happened last Saturday, but she did leave out a few key West Seattle highlights:

  1. All of us talking like robots after Karl made some off-handed comment about the TV show Small Wonder. Something that was just a blip in my world, but it’s not very often that you can get 3 people in a car to all talk like robots for no reason. Everything from driving directions to various insults and obscenities … all said in monotone robotic voices for about 30 minutes.
  2. Me telling the guy with the “no smoking” sign that I planned on blocking his driveway and smoking.
  3. This Quiet Riot and UFO double DVD was from my friend’s sale, and we had been making fun of it and many other items at his sale until I figured out that I knew him. I guess my snarky comments are bound to come back and bite me in the ass sooner or later, right?

    Unwanted yard sale DVD

  4. Me requesting that the pirate guy only speak to me in Somalian.

She didn’t lie about the yummy food we had, or all the oddball items that we saw including really ugly furniture, an amazing telephone cord holder and … I think these pictures speak for themselves.

50 Foot Telephone Cord Reel

Plastic Bottle Fun

25 cents each


Free to Good Home :)

Customized Dresser


The Free Box

West Seattle: Land of pirates, cat lovers, and creepy frogs

Posted by Jenny in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 7 Comments

Last Saturday was the annual West Seattle Garage Sale Day. I was out of town for it last year, but it was pretty fun the year before that, so I was stoked. It had threatened to rain earlier in the day but it turned out to be perfect yard sale weather! We made plans to meet Karl at a bakery right in the middle of things. We do try to stay on topic and keep the food bloggage to a minimum here, but please allow us to share this one photo of the numminess with you.


Fortified with croissants and coffee, we headed off. We had a map with well over 150 sales on it, and almost didn’t know where to start. Our first stop ended up being an interesting sale where all their stuff seemed to have odd prices, like $26 or $17. They explained “It’s marketing!” Not sure how well that was working for them since I didn’t end up buying anything, but along with their price tag “commentary,” at least I was entertained.

Be Like The Grim Reaper

Next we went to a sale where the people owned an ungodly number of books about cats. You can never really tell if the people bought all this stuff themselves, or if they had a cat and so their relatives decided to get them goofy cat books for every single birthday and Christmas ever. What’s shown here is only a sampling — there were far more of these, including gems such as “How To Massage Your Cat.”

Every cat book ever published

A few stops later, we hit a sale where we all thought it was funny that they had prominently posted “No Smoking” signs around the garage.

No Smoking Yard Sale

The guy told us there was more stuff around the back, and it turned out to be really good. They had rows of tables filled with all sorts of ancient items. A lot of it would have been super great except for being overly crusty or damaged, which was a little sad. But Meghan and Karl both got some good scores here.

Backyard sale

We went to one sale where there was a tidy collection of boring household items … and a staggering quantity of dirty magazines.

Yard sale smut

Next we hit a block with about six sales on it. At one sale we were all cracking jokes about the CDs this one guy was selling. Then Meghan realized that she knew him. She also knew the sellers at the sale a couple of houses down. In fact, I think she ran into at least seven or eight people she knew over the course of the day.

It was on this same block that Meghan heard one seller say “I’m bringing out a whole bunch of chicklets!” She wondered what the deal was, then the seller dumped out a box of books … it turned out to be Chick Lit.

We’d been out for about two hours and still had only covered a small section of the map, so we headed to a new area. We got sucked into checking out the group sale being held in a parking lot, even though both Karl and Meghan said last year it wasn’t very good.

Big sale

Sure enough, it was pretty much a bust, with too many people selling crafts or new items. The one good thing was that somehow Meghan managed to find a vintage Mexican circle skirt for fifty cents!

After that, we went to a sale that had stuff all laid out neatly on shelves in the garage. It had a little too much of that “perma-sale” feeling.

Bunny purses

Up until now I hadn’t even been looking at the descriptions on the official map, but then I noticed that one sale nearby said “Our treasures be your treasures now. Arrrrr matey!” I thought they were just being wacky in their description, but when we got there we found that they weren’t screwing around.

Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrd sale

I wished that I wanted to buy something from the pirate sale, but I left empty-handed. We ventured on, eventually stopping at another sale where the people were definitely having fun with their yard sale setup.

Altar of the Good Deal

The same people also had this Groundskeeper Willie on display. I don’t know if he was for sale or just there to lay down the law!

Buy uir mince!

Throughout the day we did see all sorts of signs. They ranged from the super-professional …

Glamorous yard sale sign

Swanky sale sign

… to the super half-assed.

Yard Sell

Around 12:30 we were all hungry and seemed to be losing some steam, so we headed to Zippy’s Burgers, where I have been wanting to go ever since Meghan went there after last year’s sale day. Oh my god, it was good. And as we were chowing down, who showed up but our pal and recurring guest star Leslie, who had been making the sale rounds with another friend. We all thought it was funny that she and Meghan had eaten there after the sales last year, and now without any prior coordination they’d both ended up here again.

We headed back to where we’d met up so we could drop Karl at his car, and saw signs for a rummage sale we’d missed earlier. How could we not check it out? Sadly, it was one of the sparsest, grimmest rummage sales ever.

Grimmest rummage sale ever

Maybe it had been good earlier — who knows? At this point it was pretty much down to junky books and fancy clothes.

Fancy stuff

In the parking lot nearby was another group sale. I was baffled by this sign posted out on the fence.


There wasn’t much there — maybe it had been cleaned out earlier, or maybe it was just never good. It’s hard to tell when you are hitting sales at almost two in the afternoon. They did have helpful signs designating various sections, like “Grandma Chic” and “Retro Groovy.” Sadly, I didn’t see anything that was either retro OR groovy. We started to head out, and then I spotted this by the cash box.

Do Not Touch the Squatcharium

The woman running the sale saw me looking at it and jumped up excitedly, wanting to show us her “Frogsquatch” t-shirt. I asked where Frogsquatch had come from, but I must have been dazed by the insanity of it all, because I honestly have no idea what she told me. In any case, I wasn’t even gonna think about touching the Squatcharium — that’s for damn sure.

We parked near Karl and sorted out the stuff in the trunk, which was filled up pretty good …

Junk In My Trunk 5/9/09

I thought I had bought a fair amount of stuff, but it turned out all I got was a handful of books, a couple of tiki mugs (which I don’t actively collect anymore, but I can’t seem to pass them up if the price is right), a ceramic plant pot, and a pair of kids’ sandals. Not the most score-riffic day! But I had a whole bunch of fun. And of course, part of the fun was seeing all the weird-ass stuff people had on offer … some of which we did indeed get pictures of. We’ll save those for Part 2 of our West Seattle recap, so do stay tuned!

Rummaging with the family

Posted by Meghan in Sale Tales | 1 Comment

My mom and aunt had threatened to come down from Bellingham for sales last weekend. I say threatened, since they usually flake. When they do come, my mom is unable to read any street signs or navigate to any addresses, so I end up being really crabby.

I was sort of excited that Jenny would be coming along, but at the last minute she bailed (just like last time … hmm … I am seeing a trend). She said was sick, but she did email over an organized list of sales, so it’s hard to fault her. I looked over the list and gave my mom a primer on how to read it, then pretty much got a plan in my head for the first few sales.

I had driven by the Bright Street rummage sale a few days before. I was pretty excited about this one, since I had hit a great sale there about four years ago. Not exactly what I expected, no clothing (they said they didn’t want to deal with it) but tons of books and kids crap. The flipside was it was all cheap, like a dime cheap.

Rummage sale

My mom filled half the car in the matter of about 20 minutes. This reminded me of the time that she purchased so much stuff at yard sales that no one else could buy anything because there was no room left in the car. When I mentioned this, she just told me to shut up.

After that we hit what Jenny and I probably would have been calling the “two hot lesbians sale,” but since I was with my family …

Intriguing sale

They had tons of great furniture, mannequins, and all sorts of sex, gender, and identity-based literature!

We hit a few more sales. Folks started putting out tarps and at points it did start to rain. This moving sale that bunny was lounging at really didn’t have anything.

Sad bunny

I am just not all that sure why you would have a moving sale if you only planned on selling a few items. Why not just drive it all to the Goodwill? When I have a moving sale I get rid of loads of stuff, since I am unwilling to force friends and family into helping me move crap that I should just get rid of. Okay, that isn’t completely true, but I do try to get rid of stuff.

Driveway sale

Last stop was an estate sale in no-sidewalk-land. The only thing that I sort of wanted was this Race Trap game.

Race Trap

The sale didn’t have anything amazing, but the house was very ’60s and I like walking around in people’s homes (as long as the death vibe is at a minimum, a.k.a. not like last week).

Sadly, without Jenny there I forgot all about taking a trunk photo!

Eyes follow you Jesus

Posted by Jenny in Grab Bag | 8 Comments

It was sunny on Saturday and for the first time this year, there were plenty of sales listed. I finally feel like the season has kicked off (Phinney neighborhood sale rescheduling be damned!). I put a list together and headed over to Meghan’s a little before 9 a.m. Our first stop was an estate sale which sounded decent, but it was mostly a bust. Although we did get to behold this amazing commemorative plate.

Tom Selleck commemorative plate

Next up was a sale with a ton of books, priced to move – most of them were 25 cents! Meghan went totally nuts and filled up a box. For some reason I wasn’t feeling it and only picked up about three. I did snag a children’s book with Basquiat paintings for illustrations, which seems like something that shouldn’t actually exist, but I’m glad it does.

I was very excited about our next stop: part two of the “avant-garde” sale that Meghan and Karl hit last week. She’d put out a lot of new items, with everything from last week now at half price. I grabbed some great ’50s ceramics (vases, planters, trinket boxes) and shelled out $32.50. Meghan was hemming and hawing over an awesome little deco table. The price was right – $60 – and it was super cute, but she had no idea where she could actually put it. As she deliberated I found myself drawn to a German-made blue and red ceramic pitcher that was priced at $40. It seemed like a fair price, but did I really need it? Finally I said screw it and handed over more cash. I think this prompted Meghan to take the plunge and get the table as well. Our funds were depleted at this point so our next stop was an ATM.

After that was a very boring sale where almost everything was baby/kid stuff … with this exception.

Box of forlorn lingerie

I honestly am amazed when people are selling their old unmentionables at a yard sale. Do you really think someone wants to pay for your old bras and panties? People don’t want to see that stuff at your sale. Unless they’re pervs, in which case do you really want to know that they now own it? Seriously, just throw that shit out.

One thing I have noticed lately is a lot of sales listed as “estate/garage” or “estate/moving.” Make up your mind, people! At one such sale we pulled up and even if we couldn’t tell if it was a true estate sale or not, they sure had a lot of stuff.

Acres of crap

Unfortunately, it was bad stuff. “There’s more inside,” someone said, and I thought okay — maybe the crap is out front and the good stuff is in the house. Wrong! The house was packed, but the stuff was bad. It looked like someone had a bit of a shopping problem as many of the items still had tags from Goodwill and other thrift stores. Nothing we wanted at all. It was mostly pretty boring, but there were some standout items, like this insane decorative plate.

Insane plate

We trudged back to our car, which was parked right by the house where last year we spotted a latch-hook owl and a cross made from styrofoam egg cartons, among other regrettable items.

We headed off to a sale whose ad stated “priced to move baby, like a jackrabbit.” We debated for a while what the hell they actually meant by this. The whole ad sounded pretty hipster-ish, and the first thing we saw when we pulled up supported this theory.

Sleeping on Pac Man

We weren’t sure what that was exactly — it looked like a mattress, but it was too thin, with no cushion. Turned out it had been used to create a loft bed. “Know any students?” the guy asked. Meghan explained that we were about 20 years too old for that. This was by far the most interesting item at the sale. Most of the clothes were pretty boring, although I did like the way they arranged a few pieces to create a complete look for some would-be buyer.

Complete outfit

I couldn’t figure out how their CDs could be so terrible. I mean, Backstreet Boys? It was grim. Meghan picked up a few free magazines but all in all it was a dud.

Next was a sale advertised as “bitchin garage sale”. We’d seen someone putting up signs for this earlier and were excited to find that one of the sellers was one of our favorite garage sale regulars. We met him years ago when he used to work for a local estate sale company, and we always run into him a few times each summer at some sale or another. We all exchanged hugs and he excitedly introduced us to his fellow sellers as “the girls.” I’m guessing he has no idea what our names are, which is OK since I have unfortunately managed to forget his as well.

Their sale had been pretty picked over at this point, but they still had some great stuff, like this picture helpfully labelled as “Eyes Follow You Jesus.”

Eyes Follow You Jesus

I didn’t buy it, since I think Jesus’s eyes following me around the room would be a little bit creepy. Nor did I buy the “Chubby Kat” cat door.

"Chubby Kat" Cat Door

Someone had already snagged this paper towel dispenser. SCORE!


Meghan bought a great framed picture (for her vintage group photo collection), but I walked away empty-handed.

Our next stop was an estate sale. We pulled up and parked near this beauty.

Miss Bud Dry

The lawn was scattered with a few odd items. It didn’t look promising.

Welcome to this crusty estate sale

Inside was an assortment of ancient items. Some of them were cool, but everything was dusty, crusty, and/or musty. Some of the stuff was flat-out insane, regardless of condition.

Scary ball of fluff

Along the wall of one bedroom was the largest collection of CB radio equipment I have ever seen in one place. (By far.)

CB equipment anyone?

Most of the stuff was really in icky condition, and I got kind of skeeved out to the point where I didn’t really feel like touching anything. But Meghan boldly foraged through the closets, eventually amassing a small pile of vintage items. She did limit herself to only items that could immediately be thrown into the washing machine. This sale sort of reminded me of the crime scene sale, and Meghan even said it made her think of a sale we went to a few years before starting the blog that has lived on in our memory as “The Apocalypse Sale.” (Some day we’ll recount that one in a post of its own!)

We went to another estate sale that was completely boring, then on to our last stop: a combined plant sale and garage sale. When we pulled up we remembered going to her sale a few years ago, when Meghan was on a gardening kick and loaded up on plants. This time it was my turn to do the same. While I was debating the pros and cons of day lilies and strawberry plants, Meghan snapped this photo from the non-plant area.

From the "husband side" of the basement

All in all, not an amazing day but much better than we’ve done in some time!

Junk In My Trunk 4-25-09

Poo-poo planning

Posted by Meghan in Sale Tales | 2 Comments

A few weeks ago Jenny and I did hit some sales, but it wasn’t even worth blogging about. I think we hit a total of three sales and I was completely hung over. Getting breakfast was a far more pressing issue.

This past weekend is when the Greenwood/Phinney Ridge yard sale day usually happens — what we consider our “spring opener” (although anyone that follows us will remember that last year it snowed). We were shocked to find that due to either fear of snow or just poor planning, the Phinney Ridge Association is planning to have the sale in September instead. In fact I think it’s the same weekend as the Olympic Manor neighborhood sale -– poor planning indeed!

Jenny was out of town and I asked Karl if he wanted to hit some sales. I even offered to come over to the south end. After trading a couple of messages and a quick look at Craig’s, Karl said the sales looked better in my part of town and he would come over at 8:30. He even said that in the spirit of Jenny being gone he would make up a list.

Come Saturday morning I was hung over again (I don’t really know what is going on with me these days) and was stoked that he would be doing the sales list. I thought I’d take a look just to see if anything new had been posted. I was glad that I did, since he showed up without a list. We really needed something, since it was overcast and there were no signs, with the exception of this woman that has an “artist” sale and posts signs on every telephone pole that she can reach.

Our first sale was at some apartment complex and I walked away from the yard after I overheard my sale nemesis and some other sale dork talking about the Phinney sale situation. Honestly, I don’t need anything else in my life if it means I have to listen to that guy talking.

That bald guy

After that we drove by a couple of sales that weren’t actually happening. Then we hit a sale on one of the side streets in the Phinney area that turned out to be three sales. None of them were really amazing, but Karl purchased a few records.

Record squirrel sighting

After that I needed some food. My hangover was starting to make driving pretty wonky. After grabbing a quick snack we hit a sale that Jenny and I had been to about four years ago. Before it was in front of her home, but this time was inside and she had amazing dishes, lamps, tea pots, desks, and more.

Dishes galore

There was tons of stuff. All nice and old, none of it cheap, but she knew what she had. Later Karl and I talked about how fringe/avant-garde she was. Too old for punk rock, but not really hippie either. Someone that would have lived in NYC in the ’60s and been really interesting.

Lamps and lampshades

Really we mostly just spent the day driving around and trading gossip. Our last sale was mostly union/lefty books from a former AFL-CIO dude that was moving to Washington, DC. He had some amazing books and I tried to get him to sell me this amazing Poo Poo sign, but he refused. He did let me take a photo of it.

Poo-Poo Point Trail 100 Ft

Sadly, Jenny wasn’t around to photo-style the trunk, but I did my best.

Junk In My Trunk 4-18-09


Posted by Jenny in Sale Tales | 6 Comments

We were hoping to have something decent to blog about today. And we did hit a few sales. But the overall experience … it was just sad. I forgot my camera, and Meghan’s had its battery die right when she tried to take her first picture. So, no photos of the alarming number of mouse traps & roach spray being sold at one moving sale, or the garish rhinestone crucifix necklace next to a decorative plaque reading “In This House, We Consider Dog Hair A Condiment” at another.

And especially no photo of the sale at a design firm of some sort, whose ad had boasted of “thousands of items” and promised to be “the best garage sale you have ever attended, guaranteed.” There was no time listed and we showed up around 10:00, only to find we were an hour early. Judging by what we could see through the window (like a crappy $20 vintage hat and other overpriced items), that might have been for the best.

My few purchases aren’t even worthy of a recap. And Meghan bought only one item: a magazine, for fifty cents. What more can I say? We’re trying …

Thank you spoken here

Posted by Jenny in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 5 Comments

After finally getting back in action last week I was excited to head out again. Sadly, there weren’t many promising sales listed! We decided to coordinate with Karl and meet up at an amazing bakery that we don’t get to very often. Yes, we wasted precious sale shopping time, sitting around eating delicious bagels and pastries. What can I tell you — if there was anything that sounded great starting that early, we would have gotten our treats to go.

Our first sale was a moving sale that sounded like a crazed collector paring down, with records, books, CDs, and toys all mentioned in the ad. These kinds of sales can really go either way, but we figured it was worth a stop. The upstairs had lots of things scattered around, but I went straight to the basement, figuring the good stuff might be down there. Dang, was I wrong. Here is a representative corner.

Creepy basement corner

The basement was dark and disheveled, and it had a little bit of that crime scene vibe that is sometimes present at moving or estate sales, so I didn’t stay down there long. Back upstairs we all started ransacking a box of $1 CDs, each pulling out a few winners. While totalling up what I owed, I spotted a talking Pee Wee Herman doll! The seller said it was $10, so I snagged it.

After I paid I noticed some decades-old boxes of Mai Tai and Daiquiri mix. I asked if I could take a photo of them, and the seller said “Oh, you can have those.” I really would have rather taken a photo and left them there. But I felt like it would be rude not to accept, so now I own them.

Party Tyme!

I joked that I’d bring them to a party and leave them there, but honestly I’d be afraid someone might die. I think I will just put them next to my ancient chocolate credit card.

Our next stop was the Rat City Rummage Sale, held at a former roller rink in White Center (just south of Seattle, or technically possibly the southernmost part of Seattle … I’m never all that clear on these boundary details).

Rat City Rummage Sale

Meghan has a long history with this building and spent pretty much the whole time freaking out that it wasn’t a roller rink anymore. Finally she just had to go outside. She didn’t really miss that much — there were some cool crafty sellers there, but not enough oddball junk as I would have liked to see. One guy had a ton of great old ’70s iron-ons, but wanted about $10 each. Having once experienced the heartbreak of applying some vintage iron-ons that proceeded to self-destruct, this was way too expensive for me. Karl purchased what he declared was the only record in the whole place. This didn’t end up being true for long: a guy we know was loading in boxes of ’em. But since Meghan had already abandoned us I had to drag Karl away pretty quickly.

Karl then suggested we hit a nearby Goodwill and we headed off that way, stopping first for gas. Meghan went in to pay and then pronounced it was the grossest, skankiest mini-mart ever. She had a look of horror as she tried to describe its heinous stench, adding that there was so much junk piled up behind the counter that it looked like a mad hoarder was living there. She urged us to go in and see for ourselves, but we weren’t having any of it. Between this and the roller rink, I have to say it really wasn’t her morning.

It’s been a really long time since I’ve found anything to get excited about in a thrift store, and this Goodwill visit was just more of the same. I know other people still score, even in our neck of the woods, but I just haven’t felt the thrift store mojo in a while. No one ended up finding anything, so we headed next door to a Mexican grocery and stocked up on homemade salsa, chips, and tortillas, which was way more exciting than anything at Goodwill that day!

We had one more sale to hit, but first we somehow ended up making yet another food-related stop at a grocery import place. (In the interest of not turning this into Yard Sale Foodbath I’ll spare you the details.) Then we made our way to the sale, whose ad had promised “awesome hipster vintage” among other things. It said the sale was outside an empty building and that they’d be there til 4:30 unless they got kicked out. Then it said they would rent spots if other people wanted to sell. Seemed awfully cheeky to offer to rent out a spot at someplace you might get kicked out of, but whatever. The part of their ad that really won me over was “LIVE MUSIC BY CD PLAYER. TWIN PEAKS SOUNDTRACK BITCHES.”

Sadly, there was no Twin Peaks soundtrack playing. And I guess this is what passes for awesome hipster vintage these days:

Versace & Poison

They did have some reasonably good stuff. We all loved this sign.

Thank You Spoken Here

And their mannequin displays were excellent.

Still life with separated mannequin

Hipster mannequin

Despite all that, we bought nothing.

Three sales and one thrift store … I’m surprised we had enough to even get a decent trunk shot! Of course, the food items are taking up some of the room …

Junk In My Trunk 2-28-04

Back in the saddle again

Posted by Meghan in Sale Tales | 7 Comments

Jenny and I haven’t been to sales together since October. This might be a record for us. I went to one yard sale in November and I tried to follow a sign to a sale in December that just led me to drive around in circles. We have talked about sales and we have spoken about the blog on a weekly basis, but standing in the rain to get into the few estate sales we have in winter is a major drag. I also don’t really go in for the whole intense aggressive picker vibe that seems to happen when there are fewer sales to go around.

The sun has been coming out a little bit more and we made the commitment to hit sales last Saturday, even knowing that we would be celebrating my birthday the night before. Heck, I have done tons of yard sales hung over before.

I was able to get up a decent hour, but all I could think about was getting some food in me, and we both seemed to be a bit out of practice. Jenny even said she had forgotten how she usually does our list of sales, but she managed to get one together. Our first stop was a basement moving sale and they really had nothing.

Basement tiger

The highlight of the basement was this great hand-painted Wizard of Oz poster that was pretty sweet.

Junior Theater Guild Wizard of Oz

I did buy some books, one being a ’50s Ballard High yearbook, but it was mainly a bust.

Jenny received a call from Karl about a sale on Capitol Hill that he had just hit which had some women’s shoes and clothing that he thought we might like. After driving by another sale that just didn’t seem to be happening we made the choice to head over to the hill. The sale wasn’t as amazing as we thought it might be, but it was better than average for the middle of winter. The seller seemed like she had been some major party girl back in the day, but had settled down, had a kid, and couldn’t fit into her XS Betsey Johnson dresses anymore. We both picked up a few items.

Karl had told us to avoid the next sale on our list, so we made the choice to hit a different part of town. I ended up not using my head and taking us some really stupid way, and we drove past another sale.

Parking at Church

Seemed like my bad driving was possibly meant to happen, but this was not the case. The sale was filled with crap, and the guy had $30 price tags on most clothing items. The kicker? He was walking around the garage playing guitar and singing. No, not some hippie song, but one of those songs that are only in chick flicks, like Bed of Roses. Simply awful.

After heading over to the Ravenna area, we hit this sale that had boxes and boxes of stuff, but they never unloaded any of it, so you had to dig into these huge boxes to find anything.

Boxed yard sale crap

The garage was packed to the brim, but I didn’t even want to go in there — in fact I wasn’t even sure if that was really part of the sale. It wasn’t dirty, just unappealing. Outside wasn’t much better. They had these couches that Jenny described as being all the things you don’t want in a couch: hideous, decrepit, cushionless, and floral.

Hideous, decrepit, cushionless, and floral

They also had way too many aerobics VHS tapes from the ’80s.

'80s Aerobics tapes

As we drove to one of the last sales we both started laughing when we saw their sign at the end of the block.

Gingerbread Yard Sale Sign

Jenny took a photo, then I jumped out of the car to stick my head into the hole in the gingerbread head.

Gingerbread Meghan

The sale itself was pretty bad, but worth it just for the laugh factor.

After this we headed back towards our neck of the woods. There was a sale we’d been curious about since they had listed “boomerang tables” in their ad, but we figured they would either be expensive or crappy (or both). When we realized we were going to be driving pretty close by, we ended up checking it out. The tables were beyond bad and there was no one even at the sale. The seller ended up coming outside and apologizing for how bad his sale was.

All in all it wasn’t the greatest day, but at least we made it out there for the first time in months. It can only go up from here, right?