What did one record squirrel say to the other record squirrel?

Posted by Meghan in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 6 Comments

Killer sale

Jenny bailed on sales and so did Karl, leaving me alone on Saturday morning. I was up insanely early and decided to hit a 7:30 AM sale across town and then head back to hit a sale a little closer to Ballard. The one across town was a bust and I could barely get away from the seller that wouldn’t stop talking to me about the crap in his sale, including a homemade coffin (that I didn’t feel comfortable taking a photo of) – EEEK!

Sale this way

The next sale had tons of great stuff, but I did see a younger guy digging into the records, I sort of peeked over his shoulder to see what he was looking at and I felt like looking at the rest of the sale was a better bet. He purchased 5 records out of 2 boxes, so I didn’t feel like I had missed out. I did pick up a ton of stuff at this sale including a really cool vintage fan, an old beer box, some books and a nice old bottle with a marble stopper.

All of a sudden Jewelry Guy is at the sale and for some reason he thinks we are friendly now and he starts talking to me. I feel like I am bordering on rude in my responses, but he doesn’t seem to even notice. To make matters worse this super record squirrel guy that we see all the time shows up and starts tossing records around like he owns the joint. I have already gone off about how much I hate how he treats records at sales, but then Jewelry Guy starts saying “Yeah, another record collector was here before you and he picked up all the good records,” rubbing it in and making up that they had some super valuable LP that I have never heard of just to mess with him. Hmm … I am sort of liking Jewelry Guy a little more now. Even if it did feel a little like a “what did one record squirrel say to the other record squirrel?” joke.

After that I was on my way to hit a sale on my list, but wound up at a crazy old lady digger sale. There were no prices and they just kept bringing out more and more boxes.

The spread

Box of fun fur? Check!

Craft Fur

Elvis collectables? Check!

Elvis textile

Four boxes of Avon perfume? Sure! Sadly, someone broke one of the bottles, making the entire sale reek. You know something is smelling really bad if it makes the outdoors smell bad.

This woman seemed to have everything, and I sort of had the feeling that they hadn’t even scratched the surface of what was in this house.

Box o' curlers

They had everything you could think of, but no clothing. I asked about it and a woman said she would bring me a box down. Nice! I kept looking around, but I felt like once I started to dig into a box I would sort of get a bad hoarding vibe, so I would put things back. Then the nice woman brought me a box of vintage clothing and before I could even set it on the ground a woman almost pounces on me and starts pulling clothing out. When I looked at her, she said “I have been waiting for them to bring out clothing!” Oh, OK.

I am not going to fight over clothing or anything else for that matter, but one of the gals comes over and quietly says in my ear, “I did bring those out for you, not her. I don’t like her.” It’s then I notice that she has collected about 5 boxes of stuff and whenever anyone gets near them she starts freaking out on them.

Bunch of stuff

At this point I just decided to make my few purchases and get the hell out of there.

I hit a few more sales, but none of them were all that blogworthy. Sorry Jenny wasn’t here to style my trunk shot, making it look pretty boring …

Junk In My Trunk 9-1-12

Hellish deals

Posted by Jenny in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 10 Comments

After a couple of non-blogworthy sales (Meghan alone w/ no interesting sales one week, neither of us going out the next) we made the rounds again last weekend. Our first stop was a block sale that we’ve been to a few times before. Meghan immediately got wistful remembering her huge Aveda score way back in the blog’s early days. We did go to the same woman’s sale, but she didn’t have anything nearly that exciting. In fact, most of the stuff on the block was perhaps a bit odd, but not really score-worthy.

Ballard Chooses Peace

Google fridge

Rasta wig

Meghan did buy a bunch of clothes at one house, including some crazy Versace jeans which may or may not be fake, but all in all it wasn’t amazing. So we headed over to our next stop. I’d gotten excited when I spotted the listing for the “Green 55 Memorial Yard Sale” — we know those people! They’re friends of our pal and occasional guest star Leslie (who contributed one of my favorite-ever posts about her demented Swiss Colony Christmas catalog purchase). Thanks to the historical record that our blog provides I can tell you that the last time we hit their sale was four years ago (almost to the day). It was wacky then! And it was wacky now.

Wacky yard sale

One of the first things we spotted was this sign promising “Hellish Deals.” Awesome!

Hellish Deals

Meghan beelined over to a pile of sewing patterns, but this huge spread of books grabbed my attention first.

Spread o' books

As expected, the mix was … interesting.

Classy books

Some of them were a bit steamy!

Steamy books

I picked up a couple of titles and then moved on to the tables, where I admired these smiling clam plaques.

Googly greetings

There was a lot of oddball stuff …

Rainier mug and goofy items

That creepy-looking doll in the corner looked so familiar and I had to rack my brain and dig through our photos to figure out where I’d seen it before — I thought it might be a leftover from four years ago, but turns out it just has the same face as one we saw long ago at what we now refer to as “the freak sale.”

I laughed at these coasters with the “Watergate Bug.”

Watergate Bug coasters

And admired this amazing Faberge box (but did not dare to smell it).


I picked up a little box marked “Things of science” and a woman next to me gasped, remembering how her family had once had a subscription to it — I guess they sent you a different thing of science each month. This particular thing? Latex.

Things of Science: Latex

We each made a few purchases, then moved on. Our next few stops were pretty boring, except for spotting an asparagus umbrella holder, something that I can honestly say I never would have imagined existed.


One sale had an impressive selection of pug-themed decorative plates.

Pug plates

They also had pug ornaments. (And a lot of Barbies.)

Pugs n' Barbies

We worked our way through my list, turning down one block before realizing that it was blocked off by a bunch of construction happening right in front of the sale.

Construction in front of a yard sale

The sellers seemed amazingly unfazed by this — I would be freaking out if that was going on in front of my sale. I didn’t buy anything here, but I did snag a cassette tape out of their free pile.

Skate rock!

And right after I grabbed that one, I found this. Our theme song!

Dueling Banjos

Well, at least our theme song when we go to a sale that seems creepily isolated. If Meghan actually had a cassette player in her car I would have cued it up and left it ready to go.

It was around this time that Meghan mentioned that the signs for a “3 GALS SALE” that we had hit three or four weeks back were still hanging up. As we have mentioned many times, it is just plain rude when people leave their signs up long after the sale is over. Especially when they are on a busy intersection that you know those people must be driving by all the time, seeing their signs, and not caring. This one had been up long enough that it was spattered with dried-out mud. What to do? Well, Meghan pulled over, I grabbed the sign, and we added a friendly reminder.

Take Down Your Signs

And then? The sign was repatriated.

Repatriated sign

Yes, we drove to their house and stuck it into their yard. I cannot tell you how hard we were laughing about this.

Our next stop? A church rummage sale that we’ve hit a few times with mixed results. Walking in, it didn’t seem too promising.

Needs Battery

I picked up a couple of books and Meghan got a jacket, then went back to dig through the stuff outside. It was there that Meghan found one of the day’s best scores, an old wooden box marked with warnings about the explosives inside. A woman there said her father had been a scientist and it still had the paper mailing label from when it had been sent to him. Meghan purchased it for a whopping five dollars.

We then stumbled upon another church sale nearby — we’ve been to this one a few times and it is never very good, but we went in anyway. This time it seemed like there might be potential there, so we started looking around. A guy at a table full of scented candles started talking to us and giving us a sales pitch about why we should buy some. Just then Meghan looked up and pointed at a couch in the corner. “Is that guy sleeping?” Sure enough, a guy was lying there sleeping, and snoring — I hadn’t noticed until she pointed him out, but I’m not sure how I missed it. It was loud! “Oh yeah,” the guy at the candle table said. “He worked last night.” I was trying to figure out how that really explained anything, and whether I could possibly take a picture (or get some video!) without it seeming super weird, when he grabbed one of the candles and shoved it into Meghan’s face, urging her to smell it. At that point we decided to flee the premises.

I had a sale on the list nearby, but it had started on Friday and their sign looked kind of perma, so I wasn’t expecting much. But when we pulled up Meghan got excited, saying she’d been there before and it was an estate sale where they were slowly digging through the house, bringing out new items all the time.

Ancient items

While she chatted with the lady to see if they had gotten into the clothes yet, I went into the little shed, where they had housewares and other items set up.

The indoor section

I noticed this little sign about the same Falopy-Occupants (?!) being there since 1947 and reserving the right to refuse entries to unwanted persons — I can only imagine what kind of encounters prompted them to put that up.

Same Falopy-Occupants

I almost succumbed to the temptation of purchasing a large box of christmas wrapping and cards for $2 until realizing that I needed more of that kind of crap like a hole in the head. Meghan bought something here but I have honestly forgotten what it was.

We hit another antiquey sale where everything had ridiculous prices …

Overpriced antiquey sale

… and one where things seemed very pink.

Pink sale

Another sale had a really demented selection of rock t-shirts.

Like whoa man

We also spotted this self-announcing dry erase board.


And finally we hit a sale that stretched out over a whole block — this was only half of it. It looked promising, but was not.

Block-long sale

Our trunk actually had some cool stuff in it, but it was so bright and sunny out that the photo came out terrible! I had to tweak the contrast like crazy just so you could see anything, and you still can’t see much.

Junk In My Trunk 8-25-12

So to make up for that, let me share with you a dream that Meghan had last week. She told me that she dreamed that she and I had lived through some sort of disaster situation — everyone else seemed to be dead and we were trying to figure out what we needed to go out and gather to survive. As we were roaming around through the deserted streets, we saw another person in the distance! We approached cautiously. Any guesses who that other person turned out to be?

Yes. The two of us were alone in the world with … Annoying Jewelry Guy. Cue scream of apocalyptic horror NOW!

Instant Hoard-On with Bowie and Alf

Posted by Jenny in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 8 Comments

Meghan hit some sales last Friday. I don’t think she bought much, but she did see this amazing sign.

Instant Hoard-On

Sadly, their sale didn’t, um, perform as advertised, at least for Meghan and her friend. But they get high marks for hilarity!

I didn’t actually start looking at Saturday’s yard sale ads until shortly before we headed out. To be honest, I wasn’t in that much of a junking mood. Not until I saw a listing that I realized must be the same person/house as one of the most legendary sales we’ve ever hit: the woman who had over 1,000 pieces of vintage clothing priced at $3 each. We more than filled the trunk at her sale alone. Say no more, I am there!

Big vintage sale

We knew she wouldn’t have nearly as huge of a spread this time, but even so, we were all over it. We got there a bit early and she already had shoppers looking around. Meghan and I each started accumulating a pile of clothes — it was easy to go a little nuts since most items were a whopping $2.

Clothes etc.

Rack of clothes

Whereas the last one was a “getting out of the vintage reselling business” sale, this one was an actual moving sale. She had lots of books, housewares, and other fun stuff.

Toy ovens and pink dishes

Pictures etc.

In addition to the clothes, Meghan got a fantastic vintage mobile and I purchased a vintage kitchen shelf — I have no idea what I’m going to do with this, but it is cool. I really have no business buying any furniture right now, but sometimes I just have a moment. I guess I’ll find a place for it, or else it will end up in our next yard sale.

The sale ja vu theme continued when we headed to our next sale. As we turned up the street I said “hey, is this that wacky multi-family sale we’ve hit here a few times?” The address seemed right, but that sale always had crazy elaborate signs (like the top one on this post), and we hadn’t seen any. But right when I had decided it must be a different sale after all, we spotted these women walking down the street.

Putting out the signs

If you can’t tell, that particular sign features Sloth from the Goonies … one of several amazing designs they busted out this year. Like this one!

Alf For President Yard Sale

“All proceeds from this yard sale go to ALF House” — hmmmm. And what’s this?

Yard Sale David Bowie

Definitely one for the yard sale sign hall of fame. That writing at the bottom? “IS the Goblin King. We just sell stuff.” Who can argue with that?

These people definitely know how to have a good time at a yard sale. And their stuff? Not bad at all.

Oval frame

I admired this amazing mirror with its exhortation to “Go To Church Every Sunday” — the inset revealed it had been provided by “Russell Towner, Graduate Masseur.”

Go To Church Every Sunday

At first Meghan was disappointed, since last time she’d been here she’d bought all kinds of great newer high-end clothes. We wondered if that person hadn’t joined in this time — then realized she was there and just getting her things unpacked! Meghan swooped on that (very politely), ending up with a bag full of shoes, clothes, and purses, and officially out of cash after just two sales. We hit the bank and made a snack stop, then moved on through the other sales in the neighborhood. At one of them, I noticed this older guy haggling over some items — he was wearing shorts and had tattoos on both calves which seemed to be names of antique/resale businesses. One was something like “Auction Wizards,” the other “Antiquing with Dave and Bill” (probably two completely different names, but I have already forgotten). I went and whispered for Meghan to check it out, but couldn’t get the nerve up to ask him about them. He seemed to have a bit of a competitive “I’m a pro” vibe (though I could have been projecting, based on the tats) and was also at our next stop, arriving in a truck with New York license plates. We started joking that he was on a big pickin’ trip and wondering where his film crew was. Then we decided to head into a different area. I promptly found (but did not purchase) this mysterious thing.

Scary item

Next, a sale that looked good … at least from a distance. While Meghan stammered over an amazingly hideous green satin party dress, I drifted over to the troll n’ viking table. Uff da!

Vikings n' trolls

Our time at this sale was cut short, due to a woman carrying a wind chime all around the sale, making sure to shake it rhythmically for maximum annoyance value. She seemed not to even realize she was doing it, but it quickly became maddening and we had to flee.

Next, a sale which didn’t have much except for a $2 Judas Priest t-shirt. Meghan bought it and the guy told her, “Be careful about banging your head too much in that shirt.” She gave him a blank look, and he went on to clarify that it was a headbanging shirt. Um, thanks, man. I’m sure she’ll keep that in mind.

Sadly, after such an amazing start, things seemed to be fizzling out. After a few utterly boring stops we drove to an estate sale that sounded promising — first off, we almost didn’t even see it and then it ended up just being two small rooms, not the whole house like I’d thought. We then hit a sale in a basement that was in the process of being converted to a separate apartment. There were a bunch of cool books here — Meghan picked up a bunch, but I somehow restrained myself. Neither of us were tempted by this very large wall hanging.

Basement chief

There was one more sale I wanted to hit that had just opened up at 11, and whose ad had an possibly-intriguing, possibly-stoner vibe: “Hey Now – We’re selling STUFF.” All right, dudes! They had tons of CDs — all over the map, with a heavy local bent (like old fundraiser or live-at-some-long-gone-club compilations) and conveniently still in roughly-alphabetical order. At $2 each both of us had to grab a handful. After that we called it a day. And in my opinion, this is definitely the best trunk shot we’ve had in a while!

Junk In My Trunk 8-4-12

Every pony needs a sun hat

Posted by Meghan in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 9 Comments

This weekend was the 6th Crown Hill Annual Garage Sale Day. This flyer sort of said it all.

The 3 W's of the neighborhood yard sale

Some of this is is in what Jenny and I fondly call “No Sidewalk Land” and we’ve hit it many times before. Sometimes it’s been really good, sometimes just “eh.” This year’s map seemed pretty promising.

My girlfriend Maliboozer Barbie came along as a guest star — she had to go to work at 11:00, but we said we would just drop her off at her car whenever she needed to head to work.

We hit a few sales close by. At the very first one we spotted this classy belt buckle.

Bush Hog

We picked up a snack and then hit what was the most boring sale for Jenny and Boozer, but the most amazing sale for me. I picked up so much great stuff – 2 pairs of Vialis shoes, Acne Jeans, a large Erte vase, a Luella purse, Fiorentini+Baker shoes, tons of dresses from Anthropologie. I spent $65 and was so stoked that I sort of didn’t care if I didn’t buy anything else (or that Jenny announced she was too lazy to get out of the car and help me get all my stuff into the trunk).

Not long after that, we saw this super scary baby with multiple faces.

Two faces of this creepy doll

There was even a third one on the other side. Nightmares!


Later I found this amazing pillow for Jenny that she refused to buy –- I can’t imagine why.

Dylan pillow

At the same sale we saw this.

How To Stay Christian In College

I guess I am not really sure how you stay a Christian in college. Maybe the best way to start would be to not read this.

The Astrology of Sexuality

They also had what might be described as “only in Seattle” — a coffee stand letting you know it’s Starbucks and they also had Chai. Yes, really …

Help yourself!

Last year a woman yelled at me for going a racy 5 miles an hour down her street. This year on the same block I purchased this veneer tiger maple dresser with a side wardrobe for a whopping $35.

Tiger maple dresser

However, I didn’t buy this Lickety Split Ice Cream Maker …

Lickety Split

… or this Space Age Crystal kit.

Space Age Crystal

At the very next sale we saw this.

Pony with a sun hat

Yes, that really is a large pony with a sun visor. Amazing!

All in all I had a great day (even with the one sale where a woman snapped at me that her opened can of Coke wasn’t for sale — um, I wasn’t exactly trying to buy it). Jenny only picked up a couple of things. I think you can see how good my haul was.

Junk In My Trunk 7-28-12

Yard sales of the cat people

Posted by Jenny in Grab Bag | 12 Comments

Sign on ground with balloons

After about a month away from yard sales it was time to get back in the saddle last weekend! On Friday I went to craigslist to do the usual list-making routine, happy that it was July and the weather looked nice and thus there were plenty of sales to be had. For some reason, there seemed to be a rash of ads with really odd photos in them … here’s one example. (The ad pretty much just said “Grandma is downsizing!”)

That wasn’t quite as strange as this picture, inexplicably added into an ad listing “BEADS BEADS BEADS … AND A PROPANE DEEP FRYER (FOR THE DUDES)”:

Okay then! As it turned out, at our first sale I found an item that, now that I think of it, sort of fits in with both of those pics: Tarot of the Cat People. I purchased this for my cat-loving daughter, not realizing how wacky it truly was (when I looked closer, I learned that it’s set “in the fantasy world of the Outer Regions, where the Cat People live”). Somehow Meghan began singing a song with the lyrics “Tarot of the Cat People” … yes, it’s sad that we don’t have audio, but whatever you are thinking is probably pretty close.

We cruised around our area for a while, passing up two different estate sales with lines out front in favor of random yard sales that were open for biz. As often happens when nearly a week passes before blogging, many of these have blended together in my mind … thankfully, we took pics of lots of odd items that pretty much speak for themselves.

Parking For Norwegians Only

Wacky clothes

Bride and groom paper dolls

Jesus light

Key blanks

But wait! There’s more …

"The Inconspicuous"

Football player lamp

Confederate Cannon Balls

Yes, Confederate Cannon Ball appetizers. (They’re tangy AND subtle!) We did spot signs for a garage sale that really should have been listed as DOLL SALE.

Doll garage

It was here that Meghan and I discussed that maybe we should have better hand signals when trying to sneak photos, since she was motioning me to stay put and I thought she wanted me to move out of the way.


It was late enough that we figured the estate sales would be less crazy, so we went back to the one that seemed most promising, listed as “time stopped in 1970 digger sale.” The first thing we saw when we walked in? This amazing Spin Art sign.

"You Are The Artist"

There were more signs strewn about — several carved into wood plaques. It seemed like someone had some carnival type business going on.

Cashier Inside

The wood signs were priced at $12, which seemed high, though now I am half-regretting not purchasing “Adults $1.00, Minors .50.”

Adults $1.00, Minors .50

Calling this a digger sale really seemed like a stretch. Compared to your typical jam-packed estate sale, there just wasn’t that much there.

Clothes and record

I did ogle the pile of vintage curtains and fabric, although I have long since stopped allowing myself to randomly purchase this sort of thing.

Fabrics and curtains

After quickly perusing the upstairs, we headed to the basement. Yes, we used caution.

Caution caution caution

It was very tidy downstairs.

The basement

Apparently the guy had been an engineer.

Engineer's basement

Pencil holders

I guess he liked to bring his work home with him.

Fuses n' more

There were a few signs of hoarderiness, but it was pretty under control.

Basement pantry


TV Lap and Bed Tray

Though this was a bit disturbing to see.


I didn’t end up purchasing anything, but Meghan grabbed this old Sunny Jim can based purely on the fact that it is really strange to see a peanut with a Hitler mustache.

Peanut with a Hitler mustache

Driving away, we laughed at this tiny little sale sign on a stop sign pole. Can you read it? Neither could we.

Tiny little sale sign

We went off to a block sale, but it was bad. Half the houses seemed to have just given up on their sales, with stuff on the lawn but no one in sight.

Abandoned sale

We drove off to this “Awesome” sale (that wasn’t) …


And then spotted these eye-catching “jumble sale” signs.


This turned out to be a sale that we we had been hitting on a regular basis a few years back with vintage textiles, clothing, and miscellaneous cool stuff. The seller reads this blog (HI!) and it was nice to see her again, even though this time neither of us bought anything.

We headed home, talking about a sale I’d seen an ad for that based on the location, we figured was this awful “perma-sale” that had been going 24-7 (literally) for the past ten days or so … leaving their stuff outside around the clock, even through a few rainstorms. We planned to stay away, but when we drove past we saw a separate sale at the house next door. Their sale actually turned out to be pretty cool. The people were friendly and they had fun stuff.

Cat painting on chair

Meghan kind of loved these antlers, but they were asking something like $75 so she passed.

Cocktail Pep and antlers

I thought this humongo sign was pretty great.


That was it for the day. And I realize now that I have barely talked about anything we actually purchased … though as you can see from the trunk, we did buy a few items. The only thing I will mention is that Meghan bought a couple of L.A.M.B purses that seemed to have never been used for $40 (from a lady who was nice, but a bit odd, and seemed to practically have a mental shutdown when I tried to pay for a $2 item with a 20-dollar bill). When she got home, she found that inside one of the purses was ANOTHER purse, which still had its Nordstrom price tag on. It had been purchased for around $200. Score!

Junk In My Trunk 7-21-12

Not the greatest day, but not bad — and as far as I can tell, the earth did not collide with Nibiru on Saturday, so that was a bonus.

I am number 15

Posted by Meghan in Sale Tales | 2 Comments


With Jenny still out of town I saw an ad for an estate sale about 16 blocks from my house starting at 8:00 AM. I drank some coffee and went out to put my name on the list at 6:50 AM — I think that’s a first. Then I went home for another cup of coffee.

When I got back in line, the BS was already starting… “I have been here in line!” “That isn’t even their list.” “I would be number 25, but I didn’t put my name on, since it’s not their list.”

I replied: “I am number 15 and I got out of bed and came here before 7:00 AM, so I don’t care what your deal is, but I am number 15.”

In the end it didn’t really matter, since they let all 50 people in right away. It wasn’t an amazing sale — $1 records for $5 (that this cute hipster girl was digging in) and some ’80s stuff, but it looked like most of the really old stuff had been cleared out many years ago.

I picked up a couple of things, but I was more into checking out the huge clutter in the back yard.

Pile #3

Pile #1

Pile #2

And also these boxes in the garage.

Boxes and rakes

On my way to a few more sales I saw a sign for a block sale that just turned out to be “sock guy” (or as Jenny calls it “sock guy sale”) – he was a sales rep for super high-end sports socks for a while and later for Patagonia, so he usually has good, cheap new items and is a super nice guy. Sadly, no one else on his street had set up yet.

I had posted an ad about a ex-hipster moving sale to our Facebook page — this ended up being a woman that Jenny knew from long ago on the thrift-list. I took a photo of her huge 8-track collection, but I was in full control after just getting rid of so much stuff at our yard sale four weeks ago.

8-track bonanza

I also saw this great table of stuff.

Dream catcher n' stuff

And ran into the guy that had been moaning about me being number 15 at the estate sale. I can only imagine that the exercise treadmill was back in their garage before the day was done.

Outdoor sale with treadmill

Then I hit this really great sale of sort of high-end stuff, I was pretty in control again, but did grab a great Marc Jacobs necklace for $2 and a chunky coral necklace for $3. I sort of wished I had hit this sale a little earlier, but how do you know?

At the last sale the woman had a different bunch of hipster stuff, but she let me take a photo of her amazing Hamburger, Fries and Oreo sewing pattern.

Food sewing pattern ...

I went home after that … happy enough with my purchases even if it wasn’t really enough for a trunk shot.

Saling solo

Posted by Meghan in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 4 Comments

Yeah, it seems like we haven’t been to many sales in awhile. I went out a couple of weeks ago and it was so boring I didn’t want the blog to be called “Why bother.” Then I went to a crappy Friday church sale that was a complete bust. I hit another Friday church sale before work at 8:00 and purchased a pair of vintage leather chaps. The problem is that one sale usually doesn’t make a blog post and since Jenny has been in Europe, me blogging about going out alone to sales can be a total yawn fest.

The first sale I hit last Saturday started at 8:00 AM and said designer jeans, Le Creuset, tons of books For once I wished I had a little baby or toddler. The sweetest, super high-end and cheap baby clothing for a little girl. CUTE. I did score three pairs of spendy jeans for $8 each.

The next sale was an estate sale near Greenlake and when I arrived for the 8:30 sale a ton of folks were standing around trying to work out where the sale was, finally knocking on the front door. Just as we had all decided to drive off a guy arrived from the back yard motioning us to come check stuff out.

They did have tons of stuff, but nothing that I needed to have.

Covered sale

I did like this old Jockey advertisement.

Butts and bartender

Next was another back yard sale. This one thought ahead about giving some indication about where to go.

Sign on stairs

The sale was a bit of a bust, but they did have good taste in movie posters.


At the next sale I picked up a copy of the Anthology of American Folk Music for $25. I have a copy already, but it’s one of those things you don’t see that often and I could hand it off to a friend.

Some sale

I hit a couple more sales and it was just the pits and I was driving all over the place.

Sunny garage/sidewalk sale

My final sale was one that I sure wish I would have hit a little earlier, since I saw folks leaving with items from their free box that I would have grabbed in a heartbeat. One woman was carting off a ton of Red Flower products.

I did end up getting a ton of new Kiehl’s and Aveda products for a dollar. She was moving and just clearing everything out. On the very top of one shelf I found a vintage ’50s Lucite and beaded purse for a whopping $10. That pretty much made my day. I headed home after that.

Junk In My Trunk 7-7-12

Another year, another sale

Posted by Jenny in Sales We've Had | 10 Comments

Just about every year, Meghan and I have a yard sale — we’ve blogged about many of them. Last year we did it at my house and in that post I outlined some of the things that always seem to happen when we have a sale. This year definitely fit that mold, especially regarding the weather anxiety — we’d actually planned to have it the weekend before but decided to cancel when the forecast seemed iffy. Unfortunately, the forecast was just as bad for last Saturday. At about 6:30 AM on Friday Meghan put out a desperate cry for help on Facebook, asking if anyone had a canopy we could borrow. By about 6:45 a friend had replied and by 7:30 we were at his house picking it up. Crisis averted!

The spread

Even with the canopy we were wigging out a bit early on Saturday when it started pouring, but that tapered off and by the time we started setting up around 8:00 it was down to a light drizzle. This year we held the sale in front of Meghan’s neighbors’ house — we decided we needed a buffer zone between us and her crazy neighbors on the other side. The early rain delayed setup a bit and we were still not even close to open when 9:00 was growing near. We had to turn away a few early birds, although we were polite (as opposed to what we stated in our ad, something to the extent of not even acknowledging anyone’s existence prior to 8:45 AM). I did tell Annoying Jewelry Guy that I didn’t think we had any jewelry, even though I knew we actually did. (I felt pretty good about that until he came back later anyway!) Eventually we let people start to dig, even though we were still getting everything unpacked.

Spread o' stuff

Meghan had kept saying how much stuff she was putting in the sale, and I even saw some of it at her house ahead of time, but I still wasn’t prepared for the sheer quantity. There was so much stuff and a lot of it was serious catch and release activity. Basically if you looked at the last couple of years’ worth of trunk shots and divided by half, that was a good chunk of our sale. She even decided to part with the Instant Pussycat Mix.

Little wacky stuff

I was laughing at all the stuff she had in the sale that she had gotten from me at previous sales. There was a ’60s pitcher and drinking glass set that I think I put in a moving sale maybe eight or nine years ago, and now it was back. To be fair, I also had stuff in the sale that I had gotten from her in days gone by. I think there were shoes that may have passed back and forth a couple of times.

Clothes n' shoes n' stuff

Somewhere along the line Meghan had also acquired a clothes hanging rack, which was awesome. This is something we hadn’t had at a sale in a while. We still had a lot of things laid out on the ground, but it was great to be able to hang up some of the nicer items.

Hanging clothes

This wedding dress was too long for the rack though. We had to find a home for it on a nearby tall branch.

Wedding dress in tree

I hadn’t managed to get a lot of stuff together for the sale — way less than one full carload. I know I could have come up with more, but I just ran out of time. Some years it is just like that.

Little tables

Sadly, many items that I personally thought were awesome did not sell. Like this hi-larious toilet seat cover.

Seat cover humor

I do think that I had a moment of weakness while pricing, where I thought “I always price stuff too low. Some of this is good. I should up the prices a bit and see what happens.” You know what happened? That shit was still sitting there at the end of the day. Next time I am going back to make-everything-go-away pricing.

But I don’t think it was just the prices. We had a decent turnout, but it just didn’t seem like as many people as we usually get. We weren’t sure why, and then someone mentioned that they had gotten stuck behind the Fremont Solstice parade painted naked bike riders, who were setting up about a mile down the road. They start from a different place every year (we got caught up in their path while hitting sales a few years back) and this time they picked our neighborhood. Great! Karl even ran into them after leaving our sale and texted me this picture.

At least we weren’t screwed as bad as some friends of Meghan’s who were having a sale right across the street from their starting point — they said they had almost no shoppers.

One thing that we’ve never really had at a sale before was a big stash of ’60s men’s magazines. Meghan kept referring to the table of “vintage porn” so I decided it needed a label.

Vintage Porn - Priced As Marked

About ten minutes after making that, some guy bought the whole lot.

Vintage Porn - Sold Out

Some woman came by not long after that, saying she was hoping to find a father’s day present for her husband. I made a joke about the vintage porn already being sold. I don’t think she thought that was as funny as I did. She also passed on my other suggestions (including a box of decrepit video gaming stuff, vintage beer cans, and some men’s swim trunks).

Around 10:30 AM my husband brought my daughter over to sell cookies. She also had some of her old toys in the sale, and did pretty well. I think she ended up making more than I did! Once the treats were pretty much gone she amused herself by putting a price sticker on my car.

Car with price sticker

We had a bunch of friends stop by, which is always fun. Some of them even bought stuff! But around 12:30, we started putting more and more items into the free pile. It started to attract quite the crowd.

Free pile diggers

By 1:30 or so we had packed up a few things that were just too good to put in the free pile (which we will probably regret later) but had put most of it on the curb. It was really insane and Meghan bitched a little about how she had probably given several hundred dollars of stuff away. (She made almost $300 at the sale though, so all in all, I think it worked out.)

Massive free pile

We left to grab some lunch. An hour later most of that was still there, so I put another ad on Craigslist saying “OMG so much free stuff come and get it.” I came back around 8:00 and it was down to a few boxes. Among the remains: the Instant Pussycat mix. I couldn’t let that go to Goodwill, so I rescued it. The odds are pretty good that it will end up in our next sale.